Atc practist test english5 ppt

Atc practist test english5 ppt

Atc practist test english5 ppt

... brought buy bought bought catch caught caught fight fought fought teach taught taught think thought thought feed fed fed flee fled fled find found found grind ground ground – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 62 PRESENT ... drawn fly flew flown grow grew grown know knew known throw threw thrown drive drove driven – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 63 Present: Please set the table for dinner. Past: He set the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:21

6 186 0
Atc practist test english 7 ppt

Atc practist test english 7 ppt

... together, we got better results. Correct: When we w ork together, we get better results. – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 69 6. The members of the committee says we should go ahead as planned. f. NO CHANGE g. ... might regret. Answers 1. c. 2. j. 3. b. 4. f. 5. d. 6. g. 7. c. 8. f. 9. d. 10. f. – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 74 Ian asked his mother to play the video again. I need you t o help m...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:21

6 262 0
Atc practist test english 8 ppt

Atc practist test english 8 ppt

... He feels more strongly about it than I. 10. To whom shall I address this letter? – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 79 Pronouns Pronouns, as we noted earlier, replace nouns, thus keeping us from having ... unnecessarily. Patty is older than I . [than I am] I am more detail-oriented than he . [than he is] – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 75 One of the most common mistakes we make when speaking and w...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:21

6 260 0
Atc practist test english 4 pdf

Atc practist test english 4 pdf

... on the phone again. 7. John, please give me the money, that you owe me, by Friday. – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 54 Comma Confusion A common question about commas is whether or not you need a comma ... than his old one, and he has more flexible hours. He starts the new job on Mon- day. – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 57 Basic Grammar and Usage Grammar and usage refer to the rules that govern t...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:21

6 270 0
Atc practist test english 6 pot

Atc practist test english 6 pot

... PRESENT AND PAST PARTICIPLE FORMS come came come overcome overcame overcome run ran run – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 64 4. He decided to lay/lie down because he felt ill. 5. The papers have been laying/lying ... together, we got better results. Correct: When we w ork together, we get better results. – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 69 lie: to rest or recline (intransitive—subject only) lay: t...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:21

6 250 0
Atc practist test english 9 docx

Atc practist test english 9 docx

... nouns and pronouns. Well and badly are adverbs; they should be used to modify verbs. – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 80  Rhetorical Skills Rhetorical skills refers to the series of techniques writers ... can you use to convey a particular thought? The rhetorical skills questions on the ACT English Test cover three areas: general writing strategies, organization, and style. General Writing S...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:21

6 228 0
Atc practist test english 10 pot

Atc practist test english 10 pot

... determining a writer’s main idea, see page 208 in the Reading Test review.) REVISION STRATEGIES Many questions on the ACT English Test will ask you how an addition, deletion, or other kind of ... record number of people in American prisons today. Deterrence ᎏᎏ An ᎏ Retribution ᎏᎏ – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 89 Each writer has a specific purpose behind a given text, but in general, most...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:21

6 358 0
Atc practist test english 11 pot

Atc practist test english 11 pot

... record number of people in American prisons today. Deterrence ᎏᎏ An ᎏ Retribution ᎏᎏ – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 89 CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER When writers use time as their main organization principle, ... to get those facts. Details and background information come later in the article. – ACT ENGLISH TEST PRACTICE– 91 When writers move from least to most important, they save their most importa...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 16:21

6 386 0
Tài liệu Test Corejava ppt

Tài liệu Test Corejava ppt

... about the finally clause of a try-catch-finally statement? [0.5] a) It is only executed after a catch clause has executed b) It is only executed after a catch clause has not executed *c) It ... cont.addComponent(comp); d) cont.addAllComponents(); 30) What is the output of the following code? public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { String s1 = new String("Wel...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 07:15

7 475 0
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