... Scherf, U. ( 199 9). Ladder-type materials. J. Mater. Chem., Vol .9, No .9, (September 199 9) pp.1853-1864, ISSN 095 9 -94 28. Segalman, R. A.; McCulloch, B.; Kirmayer, S. & Urban, J. J. (20 09) . Block ... NaN(SiMe 3 ) 2 and FeCl 2 provided the ferrocene-stacked polymer P 19 with an M n of 18400 (Nugent & Rosenblum, 199 3; Rosenblum et al., 199 5; Hudson et al., 199 9). T...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20
... and coating techniques. Sol. Eng. Mater. Sol. Cells 93 , 394 –412, ISSN 092 7-0248. Krebs, F. C. (20 09 b). All solution roll-to-roll processed polymer solar cells free from indium tin-oxide and ... (3,4- ethylenedioxythiophene): poly(styrene sulfonate) film and its application in Solar Cells – New Aspects and Solutions 292 and hole carrier densities contribu...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 11:20
Ferroelectrics Characterization and Modeling Part 9 pot
... Mihailescu, G.( 198 9). Theory of Photopyroelectric Method for Investigation of Optical and Thermal Materials Properties. Physical Review, Vol. B40, No. 14, (November 198 9), pp. 96 06 -96 17, ISSN 1 098 -0121 ... Clark N. and Lagerwall S. T.( 198 0). Submicrosecond Bistable Electro-Optic Switching in Liquid Crystals. Applied Physic. Letters. 36 ( 198 0) pp 899 -90 1, ISSN 0003- 69...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20
Ferroelectrics Characterization and Modeling Part 11 potx
... the Tilley – Zeks continuum Landau free energy and Landau-Khalatnikov (LK) dynamic equation (Ahmad et al., 2009; Ong and Ahmad, 2009; Ahmad and Ong, 2009; 2011a; 2011b). The surface effects, represented ... electric field (–EP) Ferroelectrics - Characterization and Modeling 372 Wang C. L. and Smith S. R. B., Landau Theory of the Size-driven Phase Transition in Ferroe...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 12:20
Ferroelectrics Characterization and Modeling Part 16 potx
... to find the integration constant G that appear via Equations (25) and (26). 518 Ferroelectrics - Characterization and Modeling 16 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH implies a numerical solution, will be dealt ... and Anderson 1990, Zhou and Kamlah 2006). The electrical and mechanical responses of PZT are also shown to be time-dependent, especially under high electric field (Fett and...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 13:20
Biosensors for Health Environment and Biosecurity Part 9 potx
... instructed beforehand to consume a sandwich and a juice at the time of alarm. Figure 15 illustrates the procedure of a night experiment. Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity ... this sensor, this glycated peptide Biosensors for Health, Environment and Biosecurity 296 (–250 mV and –50 mV for FAO-peroxidase-ferrocene sensor and Prussian blue-...
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 19:20
PID Control Implementation and Tuning Part 9 potx
... & Hägglund, T ( 199 5). PID Controllers: Theory, Design, and Tuning, ISA, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Åström, K.; Panagopoulous, H.; Hägglund, T.( 199 8). Design of PI controllers based ... before to study the performance of the MPID control with different loading and gains conditions. 3. Controller A Modified PID controller (MPID) is proposed for controlling the tip...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 04:20
Ultra Wideband Communications Novel Trends System, Architecture and Implementation Part 9 potx
... 45, January 199 8, pp. 13-27, ISSN: 1057-7130. 210 Ultra Wideband Communications: Novel Trends – System, Architecture and Implementation 18 Ultra Wideband Communications: Novel Trends 4.4 DDS-based ... Considering the generation of the 192 Ultra Wideband Communications: Novel Trends – System, Architecture and Implementation 22 Ultra Wideband Co...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 05:20
Clean Energy Systems and Experiences Part 9 potx
... 2 77 .97 P Ex E ch =4.21 5.12 94 .88 Reformer , 1 ( ) 86.15 En A R E Ex , 2 ( ) 79. 09 Ex A P E Ex E reformer =7.06 8. 19 91.81 Reactor 5 59 total received Ex 132. 49 total ... 2 77 .97 P Ex E ch =4.21 5.12 94 .88 Reformer , 1 ( ) 86.15 En A R E Ex , 2 ( ) 79. 09 Ex A P E Ex E reformer =7.06 8. 19 91.81 Reactor 5 59 total received Ex ...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 06:20
Electric Machines and Drives part 9 potx
... 27.67Ω 0.3312H 0.4 292 H Table 3. Motor parameter identified in simulation. 154 Electric Machines and Drives Swarm Intelligence Based Controller for Electric Machines and Hybrid Electric Vehicles ... & Verghese, G. ( 198 9). Recursive speed and parameter estimation for induction machines, Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 198 9., Conference Record of the 198...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20
Climate Change and Variability Part 9 potx
... outbreaks), which are occurring with greater frequency and severity world-wide (IPCC, Climate Change and Variability2 74 Climate Change and Variability2 94 Bouchard, M., Kneeshaw, D. & Bergeron, ... ecosystems. Journal of Ecology 97 , 11 39 1150. Vitousek, P.M. 199 4. Beyond global warming: ecology and global change. Ecology 75: 1861- 1876. Climate Chang...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 06:20
Advanced Microwave and Millimeter Wave technologies devices circuits and systems Part 9 potx
... and the Advanced Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies: Semiconductor Devices, Circuits and Systems3 42 Mons, S.; Nallatamby, J C.; Quere, R.; Savary, P.; Obregon, J. ( 199 9). A unified ... Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume 53, Issue 11, Nov. 2005 Page(s):3482 - 3488 Advanced Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies: Semiconductor Devices, Circ...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20
Micowave and Millimeter Wave Technologies Modern UWB antennas and equipment Part 9 potx
... Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 9, No. 2, (Mar. 196 1) 187- 192 , ISSN 0 096 - 197 3 Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies: Modern UWB antennas and equipment 234 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 -13.4 -13.2 -13 -12.8 -12.6 -12.4 -12.2 -12 -11.8 -11.6 -11.4 0 ... generating mm -wave signal by using MZM (O'Rcilly et al., 199 2). Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technologies: Modern UW...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 11:20
Mobile and wireless communications physical layer development and implementation Part 9 potx
... 2 R d k k (15) Mobile and Wireless Communications: Physical layer development and implementation1 64 Foschini, G. J. ( 199 6). Layered space-time architecture for wireless communication ... frequency (30GHz, 40GHz) and fixed distance (2km, 3km). Condition number below 10 can be accepted in practice. Mobile and Wireless Communications: Physical layer development and impl...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20
Three-Dimensional Integration and Modeling Part 9 potx
... 2 90 ◦ + 90 ◦ + 90 ◦ + 90 ◦ 90 ◦ = +90 ◦ 90 ◦ 90 ◦ + 90 ◦ 90 ◦ 90 ◦ =−270 ◦ Port 1-port 2 90 ◦ 90 ◦ Result Out of phase Out of phase 1-3-4-2 90 ◦ + 90 ◦ + 90 ◦ + 90 90 = +90 ◦ 90 ◦ 90 ◦ + ... of phase 1-3-4-2 90 ◦ + 90 ◦ + 90 ◦ + 90 90 = +90 ◦ 90 ◦ 90 ◦ + 90 ◦ 90 90 =−270 ◦ 1–2 +90 ◦ +90 ◦ Result In phase In phase THREE-DIMENSIONAL ANTE...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 10:20