Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 3 potx

microsoft encyclopedia of security

microsoft encyclopedia of security

... examples of the e-mail address mtulloch @microsoft. com could be ● mtulloch@nospam .microsoft. com ● mtulloch@remove-me .microsoft. com ● mtulloch @microsoft. com.nospam ● mtulloch@WGQ84FH 7microsoft. com ... postal address: Microsoft Press Attn: Microsoft Encyclopedia of Security Editor One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 USA Please note that product suppo...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 11:51

444 1,9K 0
Nông Nghiệp - Khí Tượng Nông Nghiệp phần 3 potx

Nông Nghiệp - Khí Tượng Nông Nghiệp phần 3 potx

... 39 ,0 37 ,1 42,8 Vinh 39 ,9 41,1 42,1 41,1 39 ,5 39 ,4 42,1 ðồ ng H ớ i 41,2 42,2 41,8 40,9 41,5 40,9 42,2 Hu ế 40,0 41 ,3 40,7 39 ,8 39 ,4 38 ,2 41 ,3 Nha trang 35 ,9 38 ,5 39 ,5 39 ,0 39 ,5 38 ,3 39,5 ... 39 ,5 Buôn Mê Thu ộ t 39 ,4 37 ,0 35 ,1 32 ,1 34 ,6 31 ,5 39 ,4 TP HCM 40,0 39 ,0 37 ,5 35 ,2 35 ,0 35 ,3 40,0 Nguồn: Chương trình 42A - viện KTT...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 15:21

23 312 0
Ngữ Pháp, Ngôn Từ Nhật - Việt phần 3 potx

Ngữ Pháp, Ngôn Từ Nhật - Việt phần 3 potx

... スプーン <SUPU-N> : muỗng ナイフ <NAIFU> : dao フォーク <FO-KU> : nĩa はさみ <hasami> : kéo ファクス (ファックス) <FAKUSU> <(FAKKUSU)> : máy fax ワープロ <WA-PURO> : máy ... sữa ミルク <MIRUKU> : sữa ジュース <JU-SU> : nước trái cây ビール <BI-RU> : bia (お)さけ <(o)sake> : rượu sake サッカー <SAKKA-...

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2014, 16:20

9 408 0
Encyclopedic Dictionary of International Finance and Banking Phần 3 potx

Encyclopedic Dictionary of International Finance and Banking Phần 3 potx

... DM Receipts: Exercise of option 30 ,31 3 30 ,31 3 30 ,31 3 0000 Net ($): 625 31 3 0 (31 3) (31 3) (31 3) (31 3) Profit or Loss for Seller of a Put Option The writer of an option profits when the holder of the option ... Buyer of a Put Option Ending Spot 0.470 0.475 0.480 0.485 0.490 0.495 0.500 Rate ($/DM) Payments: Premium (31 3) (31 3) (31 3) (31 3) (31 3) (31 3) (31 3) Spot...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 13:20

34 549 1
Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 1 pdf

Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 1 pdf

... of the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Tulloch, Mitch. Microsoft Encyclopedia of Security / Mitch Tulloch. p. cm. ISBN 0-7356 -18 77 -1 1. Computer security Encyclopedias ... BY Microsoft Press A Division of Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399 Copyright â 2003 by Mitch Tulloch All rights reserved...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 04:20

8 190 0
Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 2 docx

Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 2 docx

... multiple hosts, with the goal of intensifying the effect of the attack to bring down entire networks. Distributed denial -of- service (DDoS) attacks are classic examples of amplification attacks ... principles and practices of computer security. Confer- ence attendees work primarily in technical fields and include engineers, researchers, and practitioners in the field of com...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 04:20

2 144 0
Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 3 potx

Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 3 potx

... government agencies, and security tool vendors. CVE was devel- oped to standardize the naming of security vulnerabili- ties so that information could be shared between different security databases ... Despite the hardened nature of this cryptographic device and the fact that it uses strong Triple DES (3DES) encryption, in 2002, an attack was devised by a team of researchers...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 04:20

3 153 0
Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 5 docx

Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 5 docx

... address spoof- ing, Rlogin, spoofing IP address spoofing The process of falsifying the source Internet Protocol (IP) address of IP packets. Overview IP address spoofing (or simply, IP spoofing) ... considered a weak form of access control since attackers may be able to circum- vent such restrictions by spoofing the source addresses of IP packets. Notes A related method of co...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 04:20

3 127 0
Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 6 ppt

Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 6 ppt

... common security misconfigurations in Microsoft products, now supplanted by the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA). See: Microsoft Personal Security Analyzer (MPSA) 198 Microsoft Confidential ... Some of the topics covered by the site include the following: ● Access to the latest security bulletins from Microsoft Corporation and information on how to subscr...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 04:20

5 152 0
Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 7 ppsx

Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 7 ppsx

... personal identification number (PIN) phishing Marketplace A number of vendors offer PIDs of various kinds; some of the popular ones are Digipass Go from Mertek Sys� tems, IDDisk from Immtec ... anyone. PINs are typically numbers with four or more digits; the length of the number often is a characteristic of the type of PID being used. PINs help ensure that an individual’s per�...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 04:20

2 125 0
Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 8 docx

Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 8 docx

... From a security perspective this is also a good idea since an intruder could use Rwho to gather considerable information for footprinting a target network. See Also: footprinting R 288

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 04:20

2 112 0
Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 9 potx

Microsoft Encyclopedia Of Security Phần 9 potx

... Microsoft Windows NT utility for strengthening password security. Overview Syskey first was released as a post–Service Pack 2 (SP2) hotfix for Windows NT and later was included as part of ... SYN scan Syskey SYN scan A type of stealth scan that makes use of SYN packets. Overview Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) uses a three-way ... passwords by implementing strong 128...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 04:20

5 185 0
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