Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 7 pptx

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 7 pptx

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 7 pptx

... (Questions 10 -12 ) 10 . When will the library be closed? ๏ CD CD CD (A) In 15 minutes. (B) Tomorrow. า (C) During the holiday season. (D) Janua^ 7th. 13 2 LISTENING COMPREHENSION k 17 . How ... assistant. (C) Telephone operator. (D) Mail carrier. 27. What is Mr. Roberts' extension number? (A) 57. (B) 15 7. (C) 5 07. (D) 15 07. TALK 10 (Questions 28-30) 28. Wh...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 493 1
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 10 pptx

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 10 pptx

... tearing (B) tear (C) torn (D) to tear i TEXT COMPLETION 2 17 PART 7 READING COMPREHENSION PART 7 Directions: เท this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as rnagazine and ... sheet. In this part, you will become familiar with the types of reading passages on the new TOEIC test. In the first part of the Reading Comprehension section (Questions 15 3 -18 0), you...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 1,1K 8
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 9 pptx

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 9 pptx


Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 492 4
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 2 Part 7 pps

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 2 Part 7 pps

... special for only $ 17 .50. Man I'm going to try the spaghetti dinner. It's about the same price as the tuna, $ 17 . Why don't you get that too? Questions 13 through 15 refer to the ... REVIEW 414 Woman The next station is Williamstown, the station after that will be Shelburg. We should be there is about 45 minutes. Man It's 11 :30 now, so it'll be 1...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 1,5K 4
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 11 ppsx

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 11 ppsx

... 8. When is the meeting? (A) On March 20 from 9 -12 :30 (B) On March 20 at 12 :30 (C) On March 21 from 9 -12 :30 (D) On March 21 from 12 :30 -1: 30 9. What should Bob bring to the meeting? (A) ... Letters, E-mail, Faxes, and Memos 1 !Merry 9t(arl<if.ting Company 244 fWern/ 'Way 'Boston, rW^ 011 06 July 17 ,20_ To whom it may concern: Alice Newbold has ......

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 554 2
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 8 pps

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 8 pps

... (B) Pencils. (C) Notes. (D) Pens. 74 . What will the low temperature be tonight? (A) 7 degrees. (B) 11 degrees. (C) 15 degrees. (D) 16 degrees. 75 . What will the weather be like tomorrow? ... Incomplete Sentences Part 6 Text Completion Part 7 Reading Comprehension • Single Passages • Double Passages In this part of the Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEI...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 985 2
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 6 pps

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 6 pps

... CD CD CD (A) $7. 50. (B) $11 .00. (C) $ 17 .00. (D) $ 17 .50. 12 . What will the man order? CD CD CD CD (A) Shrimp. (B) Tuna. (C) Rice. (D) Spaghetti. T CONVERSATIONS 10 7 TALKS: WEATHER ... At the dock. 15 . What was the temperature? (A) 12 degrees Fahrenheit. (B) 12 degrees Celsius. (C) 21 degrees Fahrenheit. (D) 21 degrees Celsius. TALK 6 (Questions 16 -18 )...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 621 1
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 5 pot

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 5 pot

... COMPREHENSION 9. What time is it now? 9. ๏ ๏ CD ^ (A) 11 :13 . (B) 11 :30. (C) 12 :15 . (D) 12 :45. CONVERSATION 4 (Questions 10 -12 ) 10 . Who is the woman talking to? CD ® (2) ® (A) Her secretary. ... 7: 30. (C) 11 :00. (D) 11 :30. 12 . How much longer will the speakers have to wait? (A) One minute. (B) Six minutes. (C) Nine minutes. (D) Ten minutes. CONVERSATION 5 (...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 960 2
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 4 ppt

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 4 ppt

... > r •f 66 LI STENING COMPREHENSION 10 . doctor menu, medicine, nurse, tip, hospital 11 . musician 12 . actor 13 . taxi driver 14 . sales clerk 15 . journalist instrument, orchestra, pills, ... response to each question. 1. CD CD CD 2. CD CD CD 3. CD CD CD 4. CD CD CD 5. CD CD CD 6. CD CD CD 7. CD CD CD 8. CD CD CD 9. CD CD CD 10 . CD CD CD 72 LI...

Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 509 2
Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 3 ppsx

Longman Toeic Intermediate Episode 1 Part 3 ppsx


Ngày tải lên: 21/07/2014, 21:21

25 427 0