Unit 10 - E11 - Reading

Unit 10 - E11 - Reading

Unit 10 - E11 - Reading

... /`kænsər/ (n) h- thuốc trị bệnh ung thư 6- eliminate /pa:s/ (v) f- tàn phá/ phá hủy 7- forest destruction (n) 8- variety /və`raiəti/ (n) = diversity g- loại bỏ hoàn toàn c- sự đa dạng 2- Conservation ... Hydroelectric dam d- sự bảo tồn 1- to conserve /kən`s3:v/ (v) 3- to destroy /di`stroi/ (adj) i- sự phá hủy, hủy hoại 4- destruction /di`strΛk∫n/ (n) = d...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2014, 17:00

17 592 2
Unit 10.CB. Reading

Unit 10.CB. Reading

... fund 7- to prohibit 7- to prohibit 8- to co-exist 8- to co-exist A- to live together A- to live together B- to build / to establish B- to build / to establish C- to try/ to manage to do C- to ... sb/sth 2- in all respects 2- in all respects 3- to result in sth 3- to result in sth 4- to set up 4- to set up 5- to make an effort 5- to make an eff...

Ngày tải lên: 07/06/2013, 01:26

15 577 2
Gián án UNIT 10 - 12A1 - READING

Gián án UNIT 10 - 12A1 - READING

... 9. “I can’t let you use the mobile phone” his mother said. His mother prevented……………………………………… 10. “You should join the football team, Eric” said the teacher. The teacher encouraged……………………………………………. Exercise ... 9. “I can’t let you use the mobile phone” his mother said. His mother prevented……………………………………… 10. “You should join the football team, Eric” said the teacher. The teacher encoura...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 04:11

4 510 0
Unit 10 - E10 - Reading

Unit 10 - E10 - Reading

... planet? Forest clear-cutting (deforestation) floods Air pollution Forest fires Liquid pollution extinction Environmental problems Period 61 : UNIT 10: Conservation Lesson 2: Reading Liquid ... defence - We should stop the disappearance of plants and animals - We should not use pesticide, herbicide and fertilizers. - We should place rubbish and plastic bags in p...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2014, 15:00

26 467 0
Unit 12 - E11 - Reading

Unit 12 - E11 - Reading

... about ? - It tells us about the Asian Games . Work in groups. Name the sports in which Vietnamese athletes won gold medals at the 14 th Asian Games. Vu Thi Nguyet anh- karatedo ... It `s _______ rugby : bóng bầu dục rugby What does this picture tell us about ? solidarity : - It tells us about the _____________solidarity tình đoàn kết 3. After you rea...

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2014, 17:00

24 793 0
Tài liệu E11 unit 10 part A Reading

Tài liệu E11 unit 10 part A Reading

... 3) - pollutant (n) /pə'lu: tənt/ chất gây ô nhiễm. - Polluted (adj ) bị ô nhiễm - Pollution (n) sự ô nhiễm - respect (n) /ri'spekt/ - consequence (n) /'kɒnsikwəns/ hậu quả - rare ... /'ægrikʌlt∫ə(r)/ nông nghiệp - survive (v) /sə'vaiv/ sống sót,tiếp tục sống - Interference /intə'fiərəns/ ( n ) sự can thiệp Unit 10: nature in da...

Ngày tải lên: 29/11/2013, 13:11

28 337 0
unit 10: endangered species- reading

unit 10: endangered species- reading

... Matching Unit 10: Endangered species A: Reading - Learn by heart the new words. - Do reading part in sts’ book. Unit 10: Endangered species - reading A B Unit 10: Endangered species ► reading ... A 5. B P4 -& gt; L6,7: … a wide range of endangered species can have a chance to survive Unit 10: Endangered species – Reading - Task 2 Choose the best answe...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2013, 01:26

8 1,9K 13
Unit 10 - reading - NTH

Unit 10 - reading - NTH

... answers. - Calls on some Ss to write the answers on the board. - Checks with the class. - Gives feedback. 3. Post reading: * Read this story and answer the questions. - Ask Ss to work in pairs - Go ... in pairs - Go around for help - Call on some pairs to present - Give comments . III. CONSOLIDATION & HOMEWORK ( 5') - Learn vocabulary - Prep...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2013, 01:27

2 689 5
Unit 10- Reading

Unit 10- Reading

... Pre- reading 1. Vocabulary: - exist (v): tån t¹i - influence (n): sù ¶nh hëng - destroy (v): ph¸ hñy - respect (n): mèi quan hÖ - consequence (n): hËu qu¶, kÕt qu¶ - extinct (adj):tuyÖt chñng - ... offer help. - call on some groups to present their ideas. - give comments and answer. *Comments:summarise the main points of the lesson. * Homework: - le...

Ngày tải lên: 07/06/2013, 01:25

4 520 1
Unit 10. Reading 11CB

Unit 10. Reading 11CB

... in text) - Check their answers with a friend - Listen. - Listen and answer - Underline the key words to decide what information they need to find in the text - Listen and take notes - Check their ... offer help. - Call on the groups to present their ideas - Give feed back - Listen and discuss in groups - Present their ideas - Listen and take notes...

Ngày tải lên: 14/06/2013, 01:25

2 498 2