Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 22:21
Digital Circuit Design-Lecture 1 pps
... specified Timing is clear and precise ECE 5 61 - Lecture 1 11 Block Diagrams Shows inputs and outputs and functional modules ECE 5 61 - Lecture 1 1 ECE 5 61 Digital Circuit Design Department of Electrical ... insignificant. ECE 5 61 - Lecture 1 16 Timing Analysis Tools Circuit timing waveforms ECE 5 61 - Lecture 1 14 Circuit Timing “Timing is everything” I...
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 03:20
... 6 AutoPilot: A Platform-Based ESL Synthesis System 10 3 6.3 .1 Language Coverage 6.3 .1. 1 C/C++ Support AutoPilot has a broad coverage of the C and C++ language features. ... exponentiation, logarithm, etc.) can be also synthesized. 6.3 .1. 2 SystemC Support AutoPilot fully supports the OCSI synthesizable subset [1] for the SystemC synthesis. Designers can make use of SystemC ... The follo...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 14:20
High Level Synthesis: from Algorithm to Digital Circuit- P19 ppsx
... Computer- Aided Design of Circuits and Systems, Vol. 20, No. 11 , pp. 13 55 13 71, 20 01 10. C. Andriamisaina, B. Le Gal and E. Casseau, “Bit-width optimizations for high-level synthesis of digital signal processing ... (plain arrow in Fig. 10 .1) and to submit it to a CAD frameworks having an efficient RTL synthesis tool. 10 .1. 2 UGH Overview The multiple arrows noted 1. a ,1. b and...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 14:20
High Level Synthesis: from Algorithm to Digital Circuit- P20 ppsx
... is R1 ←− R10+R 11 (a) R2 ←− R1 +1 (b) R1 ←− R10+R12 (c) R3 ←− R1 +1 (d) a b d c RaW WaR RaW WaW Register transfer instructions Graph Fig. 10 .8 Register transfer flow graph 18 2 I. Aug´eandF.P´etrot 10 .3.3.4 ... the DDP that 10 User Guided High Level Synthesis 18 5 permanent operation concurrent operation sequential operation r0 y0 f m S=0 x0 m y0 S=0 x0 S =1 r0 r0 m f c0 f g c1 h y...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 14:20
High Level Synthesis: from Algorithm to Digital Circuit- P25 ppsx
... Programming, 20 (1) :23–53, February 19 91. 17 . P. Feautrier. Some Efficient Solutions to the Affine Scheduling Problem, Part I, One Dimensional Time. Int. J. of Parallel Programming, 21( 5), October 19 92. 18 . ... Electron. Syst., 7 (1) :15 9 17 2, 2002. 15 . A. Darte, R. Schreiber, and G. Villard. Lattice-Based Memory Allocation. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 54 (10 ) :12 42 12 57, 2...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 14:20
High Level Synthesis: from Algorithm to Digital Circuit- P28 pps
... (‘000’ & N5 8 4 ) ⊕8 N7 = N1+ (‘000’ & N6) 12 R = P+ QR1= P 11 0 + Q 11 0 12 R2 = P 23 12 + Q 23 12 12 Fig. 14 .2 Execution of operation N = L ×M in cycle 3 14 Exploiting Bit-Level Design ... 4 ⊗4×4 I4 = I1 11 4 + I2 ⊕8 I5 = (‘000’ & I4 8 4 )+I3 ⊕8 L = J+ K ⊕8 N = L×MN1= L×M 11 8 ⊗8×4 N2 = L ×M 3 0 ⊗8×4 N3 = L 3 0 ×M 7 4 ⊗4×4 N4 = L 7 4 ×M 7 4 ⊗4×4 N5 = N3 + N2 11...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 14:20
Tài liệu Digital Photography - Phần 1 pptx
... be said to have 18 00 x 16 00 pixels (where "x" is pronounced "by" as in " ;18 00 by 16 00"), or to contain 2.88-million pixels (18 00 multiplied by 16 00). ... large-screen TV. Digital photography is instant photography without the film costs! If you're considering going digital, here are a few more reasons to get even more serious. - Goin...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 23:15
Tài liệu Photoshop - Một vài điều cần biết về Kỹ Thuật Digital Imaging! (Phần 1) pptx
... Mask Chọn Amount 33%, Radius 1. 0 Pixels, threshold level = 0 xong click OK. Photoshop - Một vài điều cần biết về Kỹ Thuật Digital Imaging! (Phần 1) A-Adobe RGB1998 vs sRGB, When to sharpen ... Image) hình trở thành 1 layer mà thôi. Đó là 1 mặt hình đơn phẳng (flat image) 6- Bây giờ ta mới nên sử dụng lệnh Filter – Sharpen USM Đây là cách em thường nghịch: 1) Dùng phím tắt CT...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 05:20