the startup playbook - david kidder
... while others I was meeting for the first time. I wanted their startup playbooks in order to rebuild mine. Now, I am sharing their playbooks with you. “Building a startup will be the home-ownership ... think about the corollary in the for-profit world. Imagine if they exposed their operating margins on the price tags of the products they sold. For example, the tag on a $12.00...
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 00:07
the Startup owner''''s manual
... startup doing business in the web/mobile channel, and • Book 3: The Physical Channel e- book offers the same for startups us- ing physical channels For best results, start your reading with the ... Guide. The Startup Owner’s Manual Strategy Guide makes up the first third of the e- book. It provides an overview of why star- tups are not smaller versions of large com- panies;...
Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2014, 15:19
grain brain. the surprising truth - david perlmutter
... and others that get diagnosed at the other end of your life span. I believe that the shift in our diet that has occurred over the past century—from high-fat, low-carb to today’s low-fat, high-carb ... about these exorphins, and further confirms their impact on the brain, is that we know they can be stopped by opiate-blocking drugs like naloxone and naltrexone the same drugs used to r...
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 22:20
Markering & sales the small business marketing bible david frey 2003
... certificates • Word-of-mouth • Website - 50 - Once you have their attention you need to calm their fears about the JV being a too-good- to-be-true proposition. Ensure that you address the following ... These people are often known as “Centers of Influence.” Centers of Influence can multiply your marketing efforts ten-fold. They turn your marketing efforts from one-to- one t...
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2013, 08:51
The 5 lessons of startup
... always hurt yo u. Of ten start-ups head in o ne of two directions: either into an abyss o f o bsessive research [which has no start or end], or the ‘head-in- the- sand’ stance [my business doesn’t ... and what’s the value-add f or my customers…? Well, the answer is: if yo u do n’t know, how do yo u expect your customers to know? Frequently businesses def ine, redef ine and ref ine thei...
Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 12:02