Correct english part 13 pps

Correct english part 13 pps

Correct english part 13 pps

... iambic METRE. might See MAY OR MIGHT?. might of This is an incorrect construction. See COULD OF. MIGHT OF 117  marihuana/marijuana Both spellings are correct. marriage marvel marvelled, marvelling marvellous masterful ... OR LIE?. LYING 113 TEAMFLY Team-Fly ® N naive/naı ¨ ve Both...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 188 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 13 pps

Slang and uncoventional english part 13 pps

... in a car or truck, exhaust gases and carbon particles that enter the crankcase instead of being diverted into the exhaust system. So named because the particles and gases ‘blow by’ the piston rings ... mean a ‘male chauvinist’ UK, 1829. 2 aboyfriend AUSTRALIA, 1908. 3 a homosexual man’s boyfriend or partner. Originally recorded as a navy usage UK, 1937. 4 a male animal AUSTRALIA, 1982. 5 a pe...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 498 0
Correct english part 2 pps

Correct english part 2 pps

... do? (verb = recommend) adviser or advisor? Adviser is the traditionally correct British spelling. Advisor is more common in American English. advisory (not -ery) aerial Use the same spelling for the ... by then). all right or alright? Traditional usage would consider ALL RIGHT to be correct and ALRIGHT to be incorrect. However, the use of ‘alright’ is so widespread that some would see i...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 229 0
Correct english part 18 pps

Correct english part 18 pps

... are correct. skein See EI/IE SPELLING RULE. skilful skilfully skilful + ly slain (exception to -y rule) See ADDING ENDINGS (iii). slander See LIBEL OR SLANDER?. slily/slyly Both spellings are correct ... See SLILY/SLYLY. slyness smelled/smelt Both spellings are correct. sniping or snipping? snipe + ing = sniping snip + ing = snipping sobriquet/soubriquet Both spellings are correct. so...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 12:20

10 213 0
Tài liệu Teaching and learning english part 13 ppt

Tài liệu Teaching and learning english part 13 ppt

... Andrew Sheehan, Ma kings ens eof words. English Teaching Forum. Vol 42. Mercer, Sarah. 2006. Vocabulary strategy work for advanced learners of English. English Teaching Forum, Vol. 43. 2. 88 unknown ... 30 participants. Since the participants are taken randomly, the researcher assume that amount of subjects are representative enough. I select this level since I consider they already...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 09:15

7 426 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 3 ppsx

Slang and uncoventional english part 3 ppsx

... AND UNCONVENTIONAL ENGLISH Some notes on the challenges of lexicography, drawn entirely from the writings of Eric Partridge (1894–1979) Partridge wrote widely on matters concerning the English language. ... a simplified language that, like Beach-la-Mar and Pidgin -English, represents a distortion of ( say) English by coloured peoples speaking English indeed but adapting it to their ow...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 394 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 15 pps

Slang and uncoventional english part 15 pps

... usage, delightfully defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as follows: ‘The sitting part of a man, the posteriors, the seat’ UK, 1699. 2 the submissive partner in a homosexual or sado-masochistic ... realise; to see and understand UK, 1970. 3 to assume something UK, 1999. 4 to depart, usually hurriedly US, 1974. < book a party of two to arrange for oral sex to be performed on two mal...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 383 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 21 ppsx

Slang and uncoventional english part 21 ppsx

... swimmer noun a heroin user. Punning on ‘channel’ as ‘a vein’ US, 1959 chant verb to sing UK, About 138 6 chantoosie noun in Montreal, a female nightclub singer. The word is adapted from French chanteuse ... juvenile offender or detention centre inmate who is top of the pecking order UK, 1978 chapel adjective being part of a chapel’s congregation UK, 1946 chapel hat pegs noun used for compa...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 362 0
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