A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 27 pdf

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 27 pdf

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 27 pdf

... that is, objects, are used. In addition, structs and unions are introduced as examples of special classes. chapter 13 244 ■ CHAPTER 13 DEFINING CLASSES Real World A Car Abstraction Instantiation Class ... language element in C++ most important to the support object-oriented programming (OOP). A class defines the properties and capacities of an object. ᮀ Data Abstraction Humans u...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21

10 375 0
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 9 pdf

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 9 pdf

... unsetf(). ✓ HINTS ■ FORMATTING AND MANIPULATORS Example: Calling a manipulator FORMATTED OUTPUT OF FLOATING-POINT NUMBERS ■ 65 ᮀ Standard Settings Floating-points are displayed to six digits by default. Decimals are ... a stream and unformat- ted input and output. ᮀ Flags and Manipulators Formatting flags defined in the parent class ios determine how characters are input or output. I...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21

10 615 1
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 20 pdf

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 20 pdf

... can use available classes and functions to do so. In addi- tion, you can make use of inheritance to create specialized classes without needing to change any existing classes. When implementing ... the standard library. ᮀ Libraries You will not need to program each “building block” yourself. Many useful global func- tions and classes are available from the C++ standard library. In...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21

10 517 0
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 26 pdf

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 26 pdf

... such as char pointer, int pointer, and so on. ᮀ Pointer Variables An expression such as &var is a constant pointer; however, C++ allows you to define pointer variables, that is, variables that ... Given that var is an int variable, Example: &var // Address of the object var is the address of the int object in memory and thus a pointer to var. A pointer points to a me...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21

10 415 0
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 28 pdf

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 28 pdf

... procedural language like C, multiple data that belong together logically are put together to form a record. Extensive data such as the data for the articles in an auto- mobile manufacturer’s stocks ... keywords class and struct only vary with respect to data encapsulation; the default for access to members of a class defined as a struct is public. In contrast to a class de...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21

10 387 0
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 45 pdf

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 45 pdf

... defined inline in a class. OVERLOADING SUBSCRIPT OPERATORS ■ 427 ᮀ Subscript Operator The subscript operator [] is normally used to access a single array element. It is a binary operator and thus has ... declaration, which eliminates data encapsulation in certain cases. Imagine you need to write a global function that accesses the elements of a numerical array class. If yo...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21

10 281 0
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 53 pdf

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 53 pdf

... Car. The PassCar class additionally contains the data members passCarType and sunRoof to represent a passenger vehicle with or without a sunroof. So a PassCar type object has a total of four data members. ... OF INHERITANCE Is relation Car Properties and capacities of class Car Properties and capacities of class Car Properties and capacities of class Car Additional properties and ca...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21

10 330 0
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 85 potx

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 85 potx

... 59 Standard methods, 279 sample program, 278 Standard output, 59 Standard settings, 65 Star character, 233 State flags, 645, 647 Statements, 9 Static arrays, 325 Static binding, 551 Static data members, ... 164 comparing, 158 concatenating, 156, 157 escape sequences used in, 29 initializing, 154, 155 inserting and erasing in, 160, 161 numbers converted to, 288 output of, 68, 69 searchi...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21

7 492 1
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 1 ppsx

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 1 ppsx

... strings illustrate how to use pointers for efficient programming, and that string access via the command line of an application program is used to illustrate pointer arrays. Chapter 18 explains ... each lan- guage element. In addition, filter programs and case studies introduce the reader to a wide range of application scenarios. To gain command over a programming language,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21

10 491 1
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 2 doc

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 2 doc

... container adapters, such as stacks, queues, and priority queues; associative containers, such as sets and maps; and bitsets. In addition to discussing how to manage containers, the chapter also ... 322 Initializing Arrays 324 Arrays 326 Class Arrays 328 Multidimensional Arrays 330 Member Arrays 332 Exercises 334 Solutions 338 Chapter 17 Arrays and Pointers 349 Arrays and Pointers (1) 35...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21

10 410 0