Chapter 033 Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 1) pps

Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 1) pps

Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 1) pps

... of chest tightness. J-receptors, sensitive to interstitial edema, and pulmonary vascular receptors, activated by acute changes in pulmonary artery pressure, appear to contribute to air hunger. ... and feedback messages do not match, an error signal is generated and the intensity of dyspnea increases. (Adapted from Gillette and Schwartzstein.) Motor Efferents Disorders o...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21

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Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 3) ppsx

Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 3) ppsx

... Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 3) Differential Diagnosis Dyspnea is the consequence of deviations from normal function in the cardiopulmonary systems. ... contribute to dyspnea, both by increasing the work of breathing and by stimulating pulmonary receptors if there is associated atelectasis. Gas Exchanger Pneumonia, pulmonary edema, and aspi...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21

5 309 0
Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 4) ppsx

Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 4) ppsx

... indicates pulmonary venous hypertension, while enlarged central pulmonary arteries suggest pulmonary artery hypertension. An enlarged cardiac silhouette suggests a Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary ... interstitial edema or fibrosis, diaphragmatic dysfunction, or impaired chest wall motion). The pulmonary parenchyma should be examined for evidence of interstitial diseas...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21

5 350 0
Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 5) pps

Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 5) pps

... vascular markings in Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 5) Distinguishing Cardiovascular from Respiratory System Dyspnea If a patient has evidence of both pulmonary and cardiac disease, ... forces, and a propensity for the alveoli to collapse at low lung volumes. Physiologically, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema is characterized by intrapulmonary shu...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21

7 336 0
Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 6) pps

Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 6) pps

... Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 6) Distinguishing Cardiogenic from Noncardiogenic Pulmonary Edema The history is essential for assessing ... pulmonary edema. The physical examination in cardiogenic pulmonary edema is notable for evidence of increased intracardiac pressures (S3 gallop, elevated jugular venous pulse, peripheral edema) , ... an...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21

5 327 0
Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 2) potx

Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 2) potx

... Chapter 033. Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema (Part 2) Integration: Efferent-Reafferent Mismatch A discrepancy or mismatch between the feed-forward message to the ventilatory muscles and ... unpleasant and interpreted as abnormal. We are still in the early stages of learning the best ways to assess the affective dimension of dyspnea. Some therapies for dyspnea, such a...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21

5 323 0
Chapter 016. Back and Neck Pain (Part 1) ppsx

Chapter 016. Back and Neck Pain (Part 1) ppsx

... Figure 16-2 Chapter 016. Back and Neck Pain (Part 1) Harrison's Internal Medicine > Chapter 16. Back and Neck Pain Back and Neck Pain: Introduction The importance of back and neck ... column length (Figs. 16-1 and 16-2). The disks are largest in the cervical and lumbar regions where movements of the spine are greatest. The disks are elastic in youth and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 08:20

6 375 0
Chapter 024. Gait and Balance Disorders (Part 1) docx

Chapter 024. Gait and Balance Disorders (Part 1) docx

... stepping. Chapter 024. Gait and Balance Disorders (Part 1) Harrison's Internal Medicine > Chapter 24. Gait and Balance Disorders Prevalence, Morbidity, and Mortality Gait and balance ... of bipedal walking are complex, and the performance is easily compromised by injury at any level. Command and control centers in the brainstem, cerebellum, and forebrain...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

5 329 0
Chapter 025. Numbness, Tingling, and Sensory Loss (Part 1) ppsx

Chapter 025. Numbness, Tingling, and Sensory Loss (Part 1) ppsx

... 025. Numbness, Tingling, and Sensory Loss (Part 1) Harrison's Internal Medicine > Chapter 25. Numbness, Tingling, and Sensory Loss Numbness, Tingling, and Sensory Loss: Introduction ... alarming and dominates the sufferer's attention. Physicians should be able to recognize abnormal sensations by how they are described, know their type and likely site of o...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

5 417 0
Chapter 045. Azotemia and Urinary Abnormalities (Part 1) pot

Chapter 045. Azotemia and Urinary Abnormalities (Part 1) pot

... Mild Chap. 282 Chapter 045. Azotemia and Urinary Abnormalities (Part 1) Harrison's Internal Medicine > Chapter 45. Azotemia and Urinary Abnormalities Azotemia and Urinary Abnormalities: ... Hypertensi on, hematuria Proteinuria , pyuria Casts, edema Chaps. 273, 277, 279, 283 Acute nephritis Hematuria, RBC casts Azotemia, oliguria Edema, Proteinu...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21

8 343 0