... the Individual 36 2 Sampling and Recording Rules 36 4 Ad Libitum Sampling 36 5 Focal Sampling 36 5 Time Sampling 36 6 Techniques for Behavioral Measurement 36 8 Analysis of Observational Data 36 9 Statistical ... 33 9 Behavioral Parameters 34 0 The Bout 34 0 Stationarity 34 3 The Ethogram 34 3 Beware Teleology 34 5 Classifications of Behavioral Interactions 34 7 Methods for Beh...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:57
... salt concentration, introducing Equation 3. 14 into Equation 3. 25, after integration, expanding for small τ, and adopting Z = 1, one can derive: (3. 34) This means that (3. 35) So, for the salt ... obtains: (3. 41) So, instead of Equation 3. 38, one has (3. 42) Laplace transformation can be used to solve Equations 3. 40 to 3. 42; and for the Laplace transforms, one obtains (3. 43)...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
Climate Change and Water Resources in South Asia - Chapter 3 ppt
... coefficient and then applying Year India Bangladesh Nepal 1976 1 ,37 3 1 03 1977 11 ,31 6 13 1978 3, 396 17 130 1979 3, 637 1980 1,9 13 655 1981 1 ,37 6 750 1982 1,5 73 92 19 83 238 245 186 1984 1,661 ... 196 4-1 998 24. 03 59.98 14,072.00 0.19 - 0. 23 The Surma-Meghna Kanairghat 196 9-1 9 93 - - 2,224.00 0.16 + 0 .35 Flooded Area (mha) India Banglades...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 19:20
Sediment and Contaminant Transport in Surface Waters - Chapter 3 pdf
... present in the other two cores. In this layer, the erosion rates seem to be much lower than those in cores 7 7 -3 -1 and 7 7 -3 -2 . If this layer is subtracted from 7 7 -3 -3 , erosion rates as a function ... sharper discon- tinuities than shown here. Core 6 7-2 was located just behind the Plainwell Dam and was in 2 m of rela- tively slow-moving water. This core (Figure 3....
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
Veterinary Medicines in the Environment - Chapter 3 ppt
... not renewed. The United Kingdom provides a typical case study of an incident-reporting scheme. The reporting of environmental incidents involving veterinary medi- cines became part of the UK ... follows: Runoff during or following during external applicationr Releases of veterinary medicine in waste material (manure, dirty drink-r ing water, and aquaculture water) during cleanup, storage...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
Methods and Techniques in Urban Engineering Part 3 pot
... of slums. In Minas Gerais, in Vila Senhor dos Passos , actions to minimise risks had been taken, such as maintaining and intensifying the permanent training of leaders, seeking to integrate ... 985.92 2 ,38 0.16 22,498.57 7 Vila Senhor dos Passos 5,079.77 2,700.06 1,4 53. 47 9, 233 .30 8 Vila Nossa Senhora do Rosário 3, 669.71 8,996.72 1,427.44 14,0 93. 44 9 MG Bairro Córrego da Ilha...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 11:20
Methods and Techniques in Urban Engineering Part 3 pptx
... of slums. In Minas Gerais, in Vila Senhor dos Passos , actions to minimise risks had been taken, such as maintaining and intensifying the permanent training of leaders, seeking to integrate ... had been taken, such as maintaining and intensifying the permanent training of leaders, seeking to integrate new representatives into the group of reference, stimulating the expansion of areas ......
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 07:20
MBA In A Day Chapter 8 ppsx
... Competitive Intelligence. Cambridge: Har- vard Business School Publishing, 20 03. Vessenes, Peter. “Cash Is King, but Marketing Is Everything.” Journal of Financial Planning 16, no. 12 (December 1, 20 03) . Marketing, ... both institutional and investment services. Likewise, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 prohibited firms such as those in ac- counting and financial services from providing...
Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 22:20