Ship or sheep third edition part 11 pot

Ship or sheep third edition part 11 pot

Ship or sheep third edition part 11 pot

... he said -al pair words :a 3 Listen and repeat the words. ,, b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word write I for latl (sound l) or 2 for laul (sound 2). EXAMPLE ... floating Minimal pair words Bssa a Listen and repeat the words. essu b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word write I for lc'^l (sound I) or 2...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 18:20

7 524 0
Ship or sheep third edition part 2 pot

Ship or sheep third edition part 2 pot

... vowels. short vowels (make a short sound) A/ (ship) /e/ (pen) /u/ (book) /a/ (man) h/ (cup) /o/ (clock) /a/ (camera) longvowels (make a long sound) /c:/ (ball) /u:/ (boot) /irl (sheep) /c:/ ... speaker, or near- native speaker of English.) Ask the student to read each test item, and record the grading on the result sheet (page xii). A student's performan...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 18:20

7 617 0
Ship or sheep third edition part 12 pot

Ship or sheep third edition part 12 pot

... beard. Minimal pair words rp.l, a Listen and repeat the words. n,i4r, b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word, write l for lill (sound l) or 2 for lrcl (sound ... bowl. al pair words '- a Listen and repeat the words. .: b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word vwite I for lcll (sound l) or 2 for laul...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 18:20

7 448 0
Ship or sheep third edition part 14 potx

Ship or sheep third edition part 14 potx

... in words from the dialogue. Read the words aloud or visit the website to practise. /b/ is LOUD before a vowel and fairly loud before'l' and'r'. One-syllable words: ... when an important word has more than one syllable, Ike yellow, the sentence stress is only on the strong syllable. EXAMPLE It's a useful bin. nae f Tick the words a) or b) th...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 18:20

7 455 1
Ship or sheep third edition part 17 potx

Ship or sheep third edition part 17 potx

... target sound is quieter in thewordbag. t:t tt' b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word, write I for /k/ (sound l) or 2 for lgl (sound 2). EXAMPLE Pair ... of the sentences and write I for /k/ (sound l) or 2 for lgl (sound 2). crsa e sentence stress In spoken English sentences, the most important words for the speaker s meaning ar...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 18:20

7 487 0
Ship or sheep third edition part 22 potx

Ship or sheep third edition part 22 potx

... whale. -ral pair words - a Listen and repeat the words. , b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word, write for /v/ (sound l) or 2 for lwl (sound 2). EXAMPLE ... words a Listen and repeat the words. Then Iisten and repeat. b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word, write I for /b/ (sound I) or 2 for lvl (sound...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 18:20

7 363 0
Ship or sheep third edition part 24 pot

Ship or sheep third edition part 24 pot

... mountarn Minimal pair words rr:,:- a Listen and repeat the words. Di,t' b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word, write I for /si (sound 1) or 2 for l0l (sound ... l HEee l# @/ Minimal pair words r)3sa a Listen and repeat the words, u.inl,b You will hear five words from each minimal pair. For each word, write l for /z/ (sound l) or...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 18:20

7 356 0
Ship or sheep third edition part 25 potx

Ship or sheep third edition part 25 potx

... word to do this test. trr+ I For each line (1,2,3,4, 5), first listen to the whole line, then circle the one word (or part of a word) that is said twice. Meaning is not important in ... Yasmin. Score 4 Word stress Underline the stressed syllable in these words. (Score half a mark per item.) valley village beautiful railway Europe perhaps hospital mathematicia...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 18:20

7 353 0
Ship or sheep third edition part 28 pot

Ship or sheep third edition part 28 pot

... understand every word to do this test. uso I For each line (I,2,3,4, 5), first listen to the whole line, then circle the one word (or part of a word) that is said twice. Meaning is not important in ... hearing them in contrast. Some of the words are rarely used in everyday English. This is shorryn by an asterisk*. Incomplete words have the rest of the word written in b...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 18:20

7 283 0
Ship or sheep third edition part 31 potx

Ship or sheep third edition part 31 potx

... floor is the restaurant on? new 2 \.4trich floor is the restaurant? old 3 \Mhat's on the next floor? old 4 \.Vhere can I buy a hat? new 5 \44rere's the sport's department? ... 'b' (cab) or& apos;bb' (cabbie). UNIT 25 ltl table 3a travel agent (LQ) twenty-two (QLL) tonight (Le) student (Le) important (LQ) department store (QQL) t...

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 18:20

7 373 0