Slang and uncoventional english part 98 ppsx

Slang and uncoventional english part 98 ppsx

Slang and uncoventional english part 98 ppsx

... upset TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 1956 touch the dog’s arse noun car theft. Prison slang for the initialism TDA (taking and driving away) UK: ENGLAND, 1 998 touch up verb 1 to caress and fondle someone ... game lottery US, 1957 trouble and fuss noun bus. Rhyming slang UK, 1992 trouble and strife; trouble noun 1 a wife. Rhyming slang UK, 1908. 2 life. Rhyming slang UK, 1 998 troub...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 488 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 3 ppsx

Slang and uncoventional english part 3 ppsx

... i n formal and dignified writing and in professional speaking, a vivid and extensive slang is perhaps preferable to a jejune and meagre vocabulary of standard English; on the other hand, it will ... cliché’s and long-windedness. 7 To enrich the language. 8 To give solidity and concreteness to the abstract and the idealistic, and nearness to the Observations on slang and...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 394 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 21 ppsx

Slang and uncoventional english part 21 ppsx

... ‘c for cat’ NEW ZEALAND, 1 998 ceiling bet noun the highest bet permitted in a given game or situ- ation US, 1988 ceiling chicken noun an Air Canada baggage handler with a particu- lar assignment CANADA, ... plural UK, 1953. 7 in circus and carnival usage, a trouble-making southern rustic US, 1981 . 8 a poorly performing racing greyhound AUSTRALIA, 1989 . 9 in poker, a nonstandard hand su...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 362 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 41 ppsx

Slang and uncoventional english part 41 ppsx

... (a horse) US, 1882 fork and knife noun 1 life. Rhyming slang, generally used in the phrases ‘not on your fork and knife’ and ‘never in your fork and knife’ UK, 1934. 2 a wife. Rhyming slang UK, 1937 forked ... on NEW ZEALAND, 1905. 2 to slaughter a horse for fox food CANADA, 1980 fox and badger noun the penis. Rhyming slang for TAD GER UK, 2003 fo x and hound noun a round of...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 427 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 75 ppsx

Slang and uncoventional english part 75 ppsx

... Rhyming slang for ‘plate of ham’, GAM (to perform oral sex) UK, 1968. 2 to engage in oral stimulation of the anus UK, 2003 plate and dish noun a wish. Rhyming slang UK, 1 998 501 pixie | plate and ... England AUSTRALIA, 1984 Pommified adjective having taken on an English character AUSTRALIA, 1936 Pommy; Pommie noun an English person, or more loosely, a person from Britain. Origi...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 423 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 79 ppsx

Slang and uncoventional english part 79 ppsx

... of conventional English US, 1968 R and R noun 1 rest and rehabilitation; rest and recovery; rest and recreation; rest and recuperation; rape and restitution; rape and ruin; rape and run. Despite ... abrasive, aggressive US, 1982 ravaged adjective drunk UK, 2002 rave noun 1 a party; a bottle party; a party open to the public, often announced and sited clandestinely, featur...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 457 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 82 ppsx

Slang and uncoventional english part 82 ppsx

... AND TOBAGO, 1973 rude parts noun the most obvious erogenous zones: male and female genitals and posteriors, and female breasts. Upper-class society use; combines RUDE (sexual) with ‘private parts’ ... 1982 ruck verb 1 to fight, especially as part of a gang UK, 1999. 2 to masturbate. Prison slang UK, 1974 ruck and row; ruck noun a cow, especially in the sense a contemptible woma...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 353 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 103 ppsx

Slang and uncoventional english part 103 ppsx

... over. Rhyming slang, formed from the famous landmark, celebrated in song and geogra- phy UK, 1 998 white cloud noun crack cocaine US, 1989 white cockroach noun a white person TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, ... girl) UK: SCOTLAND, 1985 . 2 to kiss and cuddle. Extends from the sense ‘to date, to court’ UK: SCOTLAND , 1985 winchell noun a trusting, unsophisticated person US, 1972 winco noun a w...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 16:20

7 373 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 39

Slang and uncoventional english part 39

... money to lose US , 1996 fish and shrimp noun a pimp. Rhyming slang US , 1935 fish and tank noun a bank. Rhyming slang UK , 1 998 fishbelly noun a white person US , 1985 fishbite noun the condition ... give five to shake hands or to slap hands in a greeting US , 1935 . < take five to take a short break US , 1929 five and dime noun in poker, a hand with a five and a ten and t...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 10:10

7 442 0
Slang and uncoventional english part 42

Slang and uncoventional english part 42

... / we got one Puerto Rican / and the rest are black’, an early 1980 s signature routine by 269 freeside | fresh Grand Wizard Theodore and the Fantastic 5 MCs US , 1984 . 2 impudent. Possibly from ... a double. Rhyming slang from ‘froth and bubble’ to ‘double’ AUSTRALIA , 1989 froth verb to engage in an abusive verbal attack UK , 2001 froth and bubble noun trouble. Rhyming slang A...

Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 10:10

7 645 0