Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 25 ppt

Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 25 ppt

Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 25 ppt

... longer called. partisan (adjective) reflecting strong allegiance to a particular party or cause. The vote on the president’s budget was strictly partisan: every member of the president’s party voted ... flexible and graceful. The ballet dancer was almost as lithe as a cat. 07_TOEFLReadingAppA,135-176 7/29/06, 12:22159 160 PART V: Appendixes longevity (noun) length of life;...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:44

7 269 0
Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 1 ppt

Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 1 ppt

... content may have changed since the time of publication. 00 _TOEFL Reading FM,i-x 7/29/06, 11:473 Peterson’s MASTER TOEFL READING SKILLS 00 _TOEFL Reading FM,i-x 7/29/06, 11:471 v Contents Before You ... experience. Peterson's Master TOEFL Reading Skills, used as a self-tutor, will help you improve your reading skills. You’ll find: • Top 10 Strategies to Raise Yo...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:44

7 1K 1
Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 3 pptx

Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 3 pptx

... employed them. 01 _TOEFL Reading Ch 1,1-14 7/29/06, 11:476 8PART I: TOEFL Reading Basics Detail Questions You will have to answer detail questions at least twice per reading passage. ... give lessons to himself, so “he” must refer to Charles Hambitzer. 01 _TOEFL Reading Ch 1,1-14 7/29/06, 11:477 6PART I: TOEFL Reading Basics “Dropped out...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:44

7 643 1
Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 7 pptx

Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 7 pptx

... opinion • Determine the author’s attitude toward the topic (10) 03 _TOEFL Reading Ch 3,31-91 7/29/06, 12:0035 34 PART III: TOEFL Reading Review Answer The main idea of the passage ... an error or are not performing as well as expected. You (5) (5) 03 _TOEFL Reading Ch 3,31-91 7/29/06, 12:0034 38 PART III: TOEFL Reading Review B. The Commod...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:44

7 1,2K 5
Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 11 pptx

Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 11 pptx

... ____________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ (5) (10) (15) (20) (25) (30) (35) (40) (45) exercises 03 _TOEFL Reading Ch 3,31-91 7/29/06, 12:0063 64 PART III: TOEFL Reading Review 7. How successful ... woman (5) (10) (15) (20) (25) (30) (35) (40) (45) (50) 03 _TOEFL Reading Ch 3,31-91 7/29/06, 12:0064...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:44

7 856 4
Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 13 pptx

Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 13 pptx

... privileges. (5) (10) (15) (20) 03 _TOEFL Reading Ch 3,31-91 7/29/06, 12:0079 78 PART III: TOEFL Reading Review ANSWER KEY 1. B 6. 85% 2. A 7. 8.9% 3. A 8. 15.1% 4. B 9. $1, 225 5. D 10. $287 billion 03 _TOEFL Reading ... Americans (5) (10) (15) (20) (25) (30) 03 _TOEFL Reading Ch 3,31-91 7/29/06, 12:0081 Chapter 3: Developing Reading Comprehension Skills...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:44

7 1,7K 16
Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 19 pptx

Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 19 pptx

... at the University of Penn- sylvania (5) (10) (15) (20) (25) (30) (35) (40) (45) (50) 06 _TOEFL Reading, Ch 4,121-134 7/29/06, 12:03123 118 PART IV: Two Practice Tests ANSWER KEY ... behind the Meridian gate. See the second sentence of paragraph 5. 05 _TOEFL Reading, Ch4,105- 120 7/29/06, 12:02119 06 _TOEFL Reading, Ch 4,121-134 7/29/06, 12:03122 ... a variety of w...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:44

7 975 9
Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 23 ppt

Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 23 ppt

... engendered feelings of hostility between ranchers and environmen- talists. 07_TOEFLReadingAppA,135-176 7/29/06, 12:22150 146 PART V: Appendixes depose (verb) to remove from office, ... (noun). derivative (adjective) taken from a particular source. When a person first writes poetry, her poems are apt to be derivative of whatever poetry she most enjoys reading. deriva- tion...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:44

7 278 1
Peterson’s master toefl writing skills part 25 pptx

Peterson’s master toefl writing skills part 25 pptx

... and boring, as well as depressing). See note a. X 10. (both deceptive and irrespon- sible) 158 PART III: TOEFL Writing Review CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS The following is a list ... populate -ize realize * See also Chapter 3, “Modifiers”—Adjective/Adverb Confusion, page 32. 162 PART III: TOEFL Writing Review NOTE There are some exceptions to these general rules....

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:44

7 250 0
Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 2 pdf

Peterson’s master toefl reading skills part 2 pdf

... power. By using Peterson's Master TOEFL Reading Skills as a supplement to your other TOEFL test preparation, you will fine tune your reading comprehension skills. GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK Peterson's ... P ART I TOEFL READING BASICS CHAPTER 1 All About TOEFL Reading 01 _TOEFL Reading Ch 1,1-14 7/29/06, 11:461 viii Before You Begin Tip Tips ......

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 10:44

7 993 6