The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart 1 potx

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_1 potx

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_1 potx

... Remember ៑ A project manager must understand the mission and vision of the organization first, see how the project they are managing meshes with the organization’s mission, and then steer the project ... leadership and man- agement skills. The Role of the Project Manager 31 American Management Association • n Chapter 1, I talked about the high c...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 04:20

23 190 0
The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_3 potx

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_3 potx

... Fundamentals of Project Management American Management Association • Putting gas in the mower and the weed whacker takes only five minutes. The logic of the diagram says that both of these tasks ... in the project that they know something about. They do this without discussing their ideas with one another. They then meet to find out what they have put on p...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 04:20

23 146 0
The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_4 docx

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_4 docx

... LS EF LF 5 DUDUDU ES LS EF LF 15 1 515 0 0 15 15 PICK UP TRASHPICK UP TRASH PUT GAS IN EQ. 010 515 5 GET HEDGE CL. 0 55 5 60 30 TRIM WEEDS 15 60 45 4545 90 MOW FRONT 15 15 60 60 15 EDGE SIDEWALK 15 75 30 90 30 TRIM ... begin micromanaging. He then got in the way of people trying to solve the problem and actually slowed them down. Had he left them alone, they would have so...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 04:20

23 232 0
The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_5 pptx

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_5 pptx

... Date Date 16 Evaluate Site #2 8 /15 /11 8/20 /11 8 /17 /11 8/22 /11 Estimated Costs: Approvals Project Manager: Mr. Bill Boyd Date: 8 /11 /11 Task Manager: Mr. Dan O’Brien Date: 8 /12 /11 Functional ... Project Title: Moving Relocation Project Date: 8 /12 /2 011 Project No.: 710 Task No.: 16 Revision No.: 1 Date Revised: 8 /13 /2 011 Objective Statement: Rel...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 04:20

23 184 0
The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_6 pptx

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_6 pptx

... and overspent. Figure 11 -5 illustrates another scenario. The BCWP and the ACWP curves both fall at the same point, 60K. This means that the project is ahead of schedule but spending correctly for the amount of ... to the previous cumulative total. These cumulative amounts are plotted in Figure 11 -3. This is the spending curve for the project and is called a BCWS cu...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 04:20

23 207 0
The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_8 pot

The Jumper Gate of Project Management Worksmart_8 pot

... 19 review meetings used for, 11 8 11 9 as step in project management, 16 systems used for, 11 6 11 9 and taking responsibility, 11 3 and team member self-control, 11 4 11 5 control system(s), 11 6 11 9 corrective ... for, 16 0, 16 1 project status meetings for, 17 6 17 8 recruiting, 15 8 relationships in, 16 0, 16 2 self-control of members of, 11 4 11 5 size of, 7 sta...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 04:20

16 173 0
amacom books - the ama handbook of project management by paul c. dinsmore

amacom books - the ama handbook of project management by paul c. dinsmore

... of Project Management, The by Paul C. Dinsmore AMACOM Books ISBN: 0 814 4 010 66 Pub Date: 01/ 01/ 93 Search this book: Previous Table of Contents Next The PM Functions The treatment of each of the ... of an increasing maturity in perceiving the breadth of professional formation in the management of projects. First, the certification process being initiated...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:09

471 346 0
Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_1 doc

Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_1 doc

... references and index. ISBN -13 : 978-0- 814 4 -17 48-5 ISBN -10 : 0- 814 4 -17 48-5 1. Project management. I. Title. HD69.P75L488 2 011 658.4'04—dc22 2 011 012 4 21 © 2 012 American Management Association. All ... Process 12 5 Chapter 11 Project Control Using Earned Value Analysis 14 1 Chapter 12 Managing the Project Team 15 6 Chapter 13 The Project Manager as Le...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

23 464 0
Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_3 pdf

Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_3 pdf

... completed the file will contain a complete history of the project, which can be used by others as data for planning and managing their own projects. Here are the items that make up the project plan: ៑ ... exercise one set of skills to the exclusion of the other, the outcome will be far less effective than if you integrate the two skill sets. Do You Want to Be a Projec...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

23 483 0
Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_6 ppt

Fundamentals of Project Management Worksmart by James P. Lewis_6 ppt

... LS EF LF 5 DUDUDU ES LS EF LF 15 1 515 0 0 15 15 PICK UP TRASHPICK UP TRASH PUT GAS IN EQ. 010 515 5 GET HEDGE CL. 0 55 5 60 30 TRIM WEEDS 15 60 45 4545 90 MOW FRONT 15 15 60 60 15 EDGE SIDEWALK 15 75 30 90 30 TRIM ... begin micromanaging. He then got in the way of people trying to solve the problem and actually slowed them down. Had he left them alone, they would have so...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20

23 449 0