WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 7 doc

WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 7 doc

WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 7 doc

... 278 893 6139 45.43 Convolutional codin g 190816 79 979 2.39 Interleave 372 9682 146 975 25.38 Modulation (16QAM) 144543 76 1 37 1.90 Zone Permutation 372 386 1 870 54 1.99 CP Insert 2099 97 ... 278 893 6139 45.43 Convolutional codin g 190816 79 979 2.39 Interleave 372 9682 146 975 25.38 Modulation (16QAM) 144543 76 1 37 1.90 Zone Permutation 372 386 1 870 54...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

27 302 0
WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 4 docx

WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 4 docx

... companding is directly applied, the average power of each OFDMA symbol is increased. WIMAX, New Developments8 0 WIMAX, New Developments8 8 0.5 0.5 1 ln(1 [ ] ) max ln(1 [ ( )] ) peak comp N n n N P PAPR P ... 55, No. 11, pp. 54 07- 5424, Nov 20 07. WiMAX Forum™ Mobile System Profile 3 Release 1.0 Approved Specification 4 (Revision 1 .7. 1: 2008-11- 07) . WIMAX, New Developments8 4...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

27 176 0
WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 11 doc

WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 11 doc

... Zone 1dB Zone 75 % 6. 07% 6 .74 % 7. 49% 6.35% 7. 10% 7. 94% 80% 6. 47% 7. 19% 7. 99% 6 .77 % 7. 57% 8.50% 85% 6.90% 7. 64% 8.50% 7. 19% 8.04% 9.00% 90% 7. 28% 8.09% 9.00% 7. 62% 8.51% 9.52% 95% 7. 69% 8.54% ... 64QAM 2/3 75 % 0. 675  1.456 1.0 07 0 .73 5 2.322 1. 570 1.122 80% 0.841 1.338 0.926 0. 675 2.151 1.454 1.039 85% 1.036 1.213 0.839 0.612 1.9 67 1.330 0.951...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

27 232 0
WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 17 doc

WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 17 doc

... 10.8/4.3 Mbps Useful: 75 / 37. 5Mbps 7. 2kbps Downlink 30Mbps 10- 20Mbps .16e Useful: 42/14Mbps .16m twice .16e varies 18Mbps 16Mbps few Gbps 72 0 Kbps WIMAX, New Developments4 42 Multi-hopRelayNetworks ... pp. 808-812, ISBN: 978 -0 -76 95-3330-8, Cap Esterel, Aug. 2008, IEEE Chen, K. C. & De Marca J. R. B. (2008). Mobile WiMAX, Wiley & Sons and IEEE, ISBN: 9...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

18 227 0
WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 2 pptx

WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 2 pptx

... 11.094.161 € - 11 .71 6.1 67 € - 7. 892.363 € - 131.5 57 € - 6. 372 .694 € (Average) IRR -2,21% -7, 53% -9,02% -12 ,74 % -7, 99% (Average) Cost Subc Y1 15.968 € 23.909 € 27. 281 € 38.812 € 27. 354 € (Average) ... Cost Subc Y15 173 € 230 € 321 € 260 € 252 € (Average) CAPEX 74 . 679 .305 € 27. 215.883 € 16 .78 7.143 € 204.1 07 € 118.886.438 € (Sum) OPEX 9.6 17. 513 € 2.644.889 € 1.555...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

27 286 0
WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 5 pptx

WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 5 pptx

... Theory, Vol. 45, No .7, pp. 23 97- 24 17 De Wild, A. (19 97) . The Peak-to-Average Power Ratio of OFDM, MSc Thesis, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 19 97 Golay, M. (1961). ... WIMAX, New Developments1 06 O’Neill, R. & Lopes, L.B. (1995). Envelope variations and Spectral Splatter in Clipped Multicarrier signals, Proc. IEEE PIMRC ’95, Toronto, Canada. pp....

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

27 237 0
WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 8 potx

WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 8 potx

... Vol. 17, No. 10, pp. 174 7- 175 7. Carl Magnus Frodigh; Perols Leif Mikael Gudmundson (1998), “Adaptive channel allocation in a frequency division multiplexed system”, US. Patent 5 ,72 6, 978 , Filed: ... Vol. 17, No. 10, pp. 174 7- 175 7. Carl Magnus Frodigh; Perols Leif Mikael Gudmundson (1998), “Adaptive channel allocation in a frequency division multiplexed system”, US. Patent 5 ,72 6...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

27 238 0
WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 10 pot

WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 10 pot

... N F 7dB N F 5dB N F 6dB N F 7dB N F 5dB N F 6dB N F 7dB -65 0.1 17 0.0 87 0.061 0.226 0. 172 0.129 0.548 0.431 0.333 -70 0.016 0.005 0 0.049 0.032 0.018 0.150 0.113 0.084 -75 ... No. 3, pp. 1122-1128 Nuaymi, L. (20 07) WiMAX: Technology fo Broadband Wireless Access, Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978 - 0- 470 -02808 -7, Chichester, UK WIMAX, New Developments2 54 the re...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

27 230 0
WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 12 ppt

WIMAX, New Developments 2011 Part 12 ppt

... Effect of Window Size on TCP Throughput for QAM64 ¾ WIMAX, New Developments3 06 WIMAX, New Developments2 98 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x 10 6 The number of SSs Throughput (bits/s) adaptive priority static Fig. ... 0.98 0.98 0. 97 1.03 0. 97 1.03 BPSK 3/4 1.65 1 .74 1.64 1 .73 1.65 1 .73 1.51 1.54 1.46 1. 57 1.5 1.58 QPSK 1/2 2.21 2.32 2.2 2.32 2.2 2.32 2.03 2.14 2.03 2.13...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 23:20

27 225 0
Tài liệu Longman preparation series for the new toeic test part 7 docx

Tài liệu Longman preparation series for the new toeic test part 7 docx

... Switzerland 1 87. When will larek Cichv return to the (B) On the Board of Directors (C) In the Marketing Department (D) In the Accounting Department 188. What is the purpose of the party? (A) ... PRACTICE TEST ONE 37 196. 1 97. 198. What company does j. S. Choi work 199. What time did the reception end? for? (A) 3:00 (A) IEPG (B) 6:00 (B) B. J. Technology (C) 7:...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 16:20

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