Doing business across cultures 10 potx

Business Across Cultures Culture for Business Series_1 potx

Business Across Cultures Culture for Business Series_1 potx

... 99 5 Managing change and continuity across cultures 153 6 Marketing across cultures 181 7 Managing HR dilemmas across cultures 239 8 Finance and accounting across cultures 273 9 The quest for a new ... them develop their cross-cultural competence, and enable them to be more effective in doing business and managing across cultures. The new thinking and knowledge present...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

25 239 0
Business Across Cultures Culture for Business Series_5 potx

Business Across Cultures Culture for Business Series_5 potx

... goals are. 106 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES People oriented Task oriented Egalitarian Hierarchical Incubator Guided Missile Eiffel Tower Family Figure 4.1 Four culture types 110 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES • power-orientation • personal ... to leader - ship styles, management profiles, organizational structures, working 104 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES 109 CORPORATE CULTURE proje...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

25 292 0
Business Across Cultures Culture for Business Series_10 potx

Business Across Cultures Culture for Business Series_10 potx

... Senior management will now have a clear picture of where to allocate 236 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES 234 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES under strict control as an extension of central approaches. HQ consists ... and very much mirrors our new organization. They have many offices 230 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES Managing HR dilemmas across cultures CHAPTER 7 worldwide and many national...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

25 362 0
Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_12 potx

Business Across Cultures Effective Communication Strategies English for Business Success by Laura M. English and Sarah Lynn_12 potx

... O there.) 3. What organizational measures can the firm implement to move closer to the 10/ 10 position? 304 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES istically open problems that manifest as dilemmas. The important lesson ... that the third stream of thought repre - 294 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES 4. What individual steps can you as a professional take to move closer to the 10/ 10 position? 5. Comp...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 12:20

25 319 0
Doing business across cultures_10 potx

Doing business across cultures_10 potx

... or services. 266 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES 10/ 1 Lots of forest with no trees Helicopter 10/ 10 Seeing the forest as consisting of trees 5/5 Stick to cruising level; no landing 1 /10 Helicopter view of ... criteria that can help the organization change in the desired direction. 264 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES REWARDS THAT WORK ACROSS CULTURES Reward systems are far beyond being...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

25 134 0
Doing business across cultures_12 potx

Doing business across cultures_12 potx

... strain your tolerance. Fortunately most of 318 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES 4. What individual steps can you as a professional take to move closer to the 10/ 10 position? 5. Compare the answers that individual ... (complaints about the management) 10 Lack of integrity/respect (complaints about stakeholders) 8 Others 5 302 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES The reconciling organization CHAPTE...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 21:20

25 139 0
Doing Business with the Euro potx

Doing Business with the Euro potx

... former Secretary of the Treasury and former CEO of Alcoa Business Roundtable—Corporate Experiences with the Euro: Effects on Business Strategies and Operations DOING BUSINESS WITH THE EURO 22 VI. THE EURO: IMPLICATIONS ... foreign currencies). DOING BUSINESS WITH THE EURO 14 III. THE EURO AND GLOBAL FINANCE: IMPLICATIONS FOR EUROPEAN AND NORTH AMERICAN BUSINESS The second sessio...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

53 248 0


... 99 5 Managing change and continuity across cultures 153 6 Marketing across cultures 181 7 Managing HR dilemmas across cultures 239 8 Finance and accounting across cultures 273 9 The quest for a new ... them develop their cross-cultural competence, and enable them to be more effective in doing business and managing across cultures. The new thinking and knowledge present...

Ngày tải lên: 28/05/2014, 20:31

369 534 1
Business Across Cultures Culture for Business Series_2 doc

Business Across Cultures Culture for Business Series_2 doc

... valid. When training managers across the globe, Heineken was faced with delivering their training program in the various countries in which 42 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES 10/ 1 Standard systems Improved ... unfamiliar national cultures. In hindsight, this dilemma was one which very much jeopardized the success of the KLM–Alitalia alliance. The Protestant Dutch were 38 BUSINESS ACRO...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

25 262 0
Business Across Cultures Culture for Business Series_3 pdf

Business Across Cultures Culture for Business Series_3 pdf

... very controlled. 58 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTURES 10/ 1 Analysis, Paralysis 1 /10 Loving Neurotic Continually checking what your heart communicates Heart in passion Head in control 0 10 10 Figure 2.12 Cool ... way that they do. Different cultures give different meaning to the display of emotions, which explains why there are differences between cultures. 56 BUSINESS ACROSS CULTU...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 03:20

25 280 0