Slide 4 data and structure in java

Slide 4 data and structure in java

Slide 4 data and structure in java

... collection «interface» Collection «interface» Iterator 46 Problems • Problems with IntSet and StringSet – Tedious to write both versions: Copy and paste programming. – Error prone to maintain both ... } Node(int value, Node node) { data = value; next = node; } int getData() { return data; } Node getNext() { return next; } } LECTURE 4 DATA STRUCTURES 8 Cài đặt Linked List...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 08:58

91 540 0
data structure and algorithms in java - mitchel waite

data structure and algorithms in java - mitchel waite

... of the inner loop, exiting when it reaches out. Within the inner loop, the two array cells pointed to by in and in+ 1 are compared and swapped if the one in in is larger than the one in in+1. ... called invariants. Recognizing invariants can be useful in understanding the algorithm. In certain situations they may also be helpful in debugging; you can repeatedly check tha...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2014, 09:14

526 1,2K 0
data structures and algorithms in java fourth edition

data structures and algorithms in java fourth edition

... to involve the students in lively interactive classroom sessions that bring out the intuition and insights behind data structuring and algorithmic techniques. Dr. Tamassia has taught Data Structures ... development of the Java code examples in this book and to the initial design, implementation, and testing of the net.datastructures library of data structures and alg...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:41

924 916 0
data structures & algorithms in java - robert lafore

data structures & algorithms in java - robert lafore

... min = out; // minimum for (in= out+1; in& lt;nElems; in+ +) // inner loop if(a [in] < a[min] ) // if min greater, min = in; // we have a new min swap(out, min); ... of the inner loop, exiting when it reaches out. Within the inner loop, the two array cells pointed to by in and in+ 1 are compared and swapped if the one in in is larger than the...

Ngày tải lên: 17/04/2014, 09:15

526 804 0
programming spiders bots and aggregators in java 2002

programming spiders bots and aggregators in java 2002

... sites with information on a chosen topic and retrieve the information. Bots find information within one site by cataloging and retrieving it. Aggregrators gather data from multiple sites and consolidate ... background information about sockets’ place in Java s complex I/O handling system. You will first be shown how to use the Java I/O system and how it relates to sockets....

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2014, 17:20

485 841 0
video game spaces image play and structure in 3d worlds mar 2009

video game spaces image play and structure in 3d worlds mar 2009

... works into lexias—the individual data segment available at a certain node and interconnecting links (e.g., Landow 1992). The overall structure of both can result in a possible rhizome of inter- connected ... fan- tastic students at Tech, including Calvin Ashmore, Clara Fernandez, Jose Zagal, and the many other bright minds I met in the courses and in the Digital World and...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 13:26

315 310 0
Tài liệu Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java Richard Wiene ppt

Tài liệu Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java Richard Wiene ppt

... LineHolder (Line line1, Line line2) { this.line1 = line1; this.line2 = line2; } // Methods public void setLine1 (Line line1) { this.line1 = line1; } 10.6 Summary 1 94 10.7 ... code contrasts the initialization of reference types and scalar types. Point point1 = new Point(2, 2); Point point2 = new Point(3, 3); Line myLine = new Line(point1, point2); int height = 7...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 04:20

508 587 0
DATA HANDLING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -VOLUME 4 Advanced scientific computing in BASIC with applications in chemistry, biology and pharmacology potx

DATA HANDLING IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -VOLUME 4 Advanced scientific computing in BASIC with applications in chemistry, biology and pharmacology potx

... 3.10 .4 Error -in- variables estimation of van Laar parameters fran vapor- 4 4. 1 4. 1.1 4. 1.2 4. 1.3 4. 1 .4 4. 2 4. 2.1 4. 2.2 4. 3 4. 3.1 4. 3.2 4. 3.3 4. 4 4. 4.1 4. 4.2 liquid equilibrium data ... coefficients and interpolated valws Local cubic interpolation 5-pint cubic smoothing by Savitzky and Golay Determination of interpolating cubic spline Functi...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

340 2,4K 2
Tài liệu Module 4: Grouping and Summarizing Data doc

Tài liệu Module 4: Grouping and Summarizing Data doc

... 12 NULL 1 14 0 9 NULL 1 42 0 10 NULL 1 51 0 40 NULL 1 72 0 5 10 248 0 NULL 1 27 10 248 0 11 0 12 10 248 0 42 0 10 10 248 0 72 0 5 10 249 0 NULL 1 49 10 249 0 14 0 9 10 249 0 51 0 40 (13 ... Module 4: Grouping and Summarizing Data 31 Exercise 2 Using the GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses In this exercise, you will use the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses to summariz...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 14:15

48 443 0