steinmetz cp general lectures on electrical engineering

steinmetz cp general lectures on electrical engineering

steinmetz cp general lectures on electrical engineering

... several smaller conductors in multiple : two conductors of ÆTHERFORCE GENERAL LECTURES ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BY CHARLES PROTEUS STEINMETZ, A. M., Ph. D. Consulting Engineer of the General Electric Company, Professor of Electrical Engineering in ... be supplied from a generating station or a converter substation, that is, a station containing revolv- ing machinery. As suc...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:33

294 296 0
steinmetz cp complex-quantities-and-their-use-in-electrical-engineering

steinmetz cp complex-quantities-and-their-use-in-electrical-engineering

... Multiplication by — 1 means reversion, or rotation by 180° = one-half period. Multiplication by j means rotation by 90°, or retardation by one-quarter period. Multiplication by —,;" ... Differential Equation of C and of E. TJiese Differential Equations are identical, and consequently G and E are functions differing by their limiting conditions only. ÆTHERFORCE 8TEINMETZ...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:33

44 658 0
The galactic black hole lectures on general relativity and astrophysics

The galactic black hole lectures on general relativity and astrophysics

... accretion 277 Contents ix 10.2.2 Supersonic non-adiabatic spherical accretion 284 10.2.3 Radiation from spherical accretion 288 10.2.4 Calculation of the spectrum due to spherical accretion 290 10.3 ... Schwarzschild solution, namely, to mention only some of the catchwords, • the gravitational red shift, • the gravitational deflection of light (→ gravitational lensing), • the general relativ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 14:03

358 357 0
steinmetz cp engineering mathematics

steinmetz cp engineering mathematics

... induc- tance. Exponential solution and evaluation of constants. . 88 64. Imaginary exponents of exponential functions. Reduction to trigonometric functions. The oscillating functions 91 65 Explanation of tables of exponential functions) , ... condenser discharge through inductance. The two integration constants and terminal conditions 84 61. Effect of resistance on the discharge. The gen...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:33

319 279 0
steinmetz cp  on the law of hysteresis part 1

steinmetz cp on the law of hysteresis part 1

... 10 STEINMETZ ON T'HE LAW OF HYSTERESIS. [Jan. 19, Further sets of readings were taken on a magnetic circuit, built up of very thin sheets of iron, alternately 8 in. X 1 in. and 3 in. X 1 in., in rectangular shape. very carefully insulated against eddy currents with layers of thin paper between the sheets. On the two long sides two coils of each 50 turns, very coarse wire (3 No. 1...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:42

64 756 0
steinmetz cp  on the law of hysteresis part 2

steinmetz cp on the law of hysteresis part 2

... AMIERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. :New York City, September 27th, 1892. The sixty-ninth mneeting of the Institute was held this date. The meeting was called to order by President Sprague. THE PRESIDENT :-We meet to-niglht for the first time after the suminer vacation. The paper that is going to be presented to yoU is one of great interest. It embodies the results of investiga- t...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:42

140 419 0
steinmetz cp  on the law of hysteresis part 3

steinmetz cp on the law of hysteresis part 3

... 1894.] STEINMETZ ON HYSTERESIS. 593 or E1.6 V10ti y3103 P= a Nf where: a = 8 - < 8 St.6 fl65 or, substituLting .0033: a 191.4 5 l 6' or, substitutinig V = S 1l, where I = length of mnagnetic circuit: L 01. _ 58 V L103 1914 / 28 r16 S 6 A1.6 - S6 16 5.6 n 1.6 and 58 E16L103 191A4 El6 I NAT6 5.6 n16 AT= 5.6 n1.6 As seen, thle hysteretic loss is proportional to the 1.6th power of th...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:42

47 532 0
steinmetz cp  discussion on 'the effect of iron in distorting alternating-current wave-form

steinmetz cp discussion on 'the effect of iron in distorting alternating-current wave-form

... 1906] DISCUSSION AT NEW YORK. 707 physical relation to a rational basis. I discuss this point rather fully on page 285 of Vol. XX of the Institute TRANSACTIONS. (b) In connection with Dr. Steinmetz& apos;s reference to the influence of vibration on the B and H curve, I called attention to a paper of mine* in which vibrations were, used in the determilnation of what I call a normal curve...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 12:44

20 439 0
General theory on accounting for payroll and salary deductions.doc

General theory on accounting for payroll and salary deductions.doc

... III- SOME RECOMMENDATIONS TO ENHANCE ACCOUNTING FOR PAYROLL AND SALARY DEDUCTIONS IN SONG HONG CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT AND IMPORT-EXPORT COMPANY Based on the general theory on accounting for payroll ... NAME: Song Hong construction development and import-export company - ABBREVIATION: SHODEX * ADDRESS : 4 th , 164 Lo Duc str, Hai Ba Trung dist, Ha Noi city * HEADQUARTERS: Song Hong c...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 16:12

30 751 3