fuzzy expert systems and fuzzy reasoning

fuzzy expert systems and fuzzy reasoning

fuzzy expert systems and fuzzy reasoning

... simple tutorial and simplified real-world programs. 1.1.4 Expert Systems for Fuzzy Control and for Fuzzy Reasoning There are two general types of fuzzy expert systems: fuzzy control and fuzzy reason- ing. ... the domain expert. Finally, there are the problems of writing, debugging, calibrating, and validating the expert system itself. Rule-based expert systems,...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:14

424 806 1


... ARIANE-78), and two "open" systems, called " ;expert corrector systems& quot;. The first is inserted at the junction between analysis and transfer, and the second between transfer and ... second-generation MT systems. 2) Hence, the extralinguistic levels (of expertise and pragmatics) which furnish some degree of explicit understanding are beyond the limits of...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20

4 439 0
Tài liệu Fuzzy Neural Network and Wavelet for Tool Condition Monitoring ppt

Tài liệu Fuzzy Neural Network and Wavelet for Tool Condition Monitoring ppt

... converter The model Tool wear states Fuzzy classification Fuzzy inference ©2001 CRC Press LLC Through the use of fuzzy min–max algorithm, i.e., fuzzy intersection (AND) and fuzzy union (OR), the following ... states, and a, b, k, and l are constants for different fuzzy sets, as shown in Table 15.5 Defuzzification of Tool Wear The outputs of inference processes are st...

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2014, 01:20

36 617 2
Tìm hiểu về Fuzzy ontology and fuzzy OWL

Tìm hiểu về Fuzzy ontology and fuzzy OWL

... CHƢƠNG 3. FUZZY ONTOLOGY AND FUZZY OWL. 46 3.1. Logic mô tả mờ. 46 3.1.1. Giới thiệu. 46 3.1.2. Cú pháp và ngữ nghĩa của logic mô tả mờ. 47 Toán tử mờ. 47 Concrete Fuzzy Concepts. ... cơ sở tri thức 27 2.3.1. Kiến trúc hệ logic mô tả. 27 2.3.2. Bộ thuật ngữ (TBox) 27 FUZZY ONTOLOGY AND FUZZY OWL 1 | P a g e SVTH: Trn Thanh Ton  Ph

Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2014, 15:50

104 558 0
C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic pptx

C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic pptx

... Hopfield and the approach of Kohonen. • Chapter 16 treats two application areas of fuzzy logic: fuzzy control systems and fuzzy databases. This chapter also expands on fuzzy relations and fuzzy ... Distributions Example Queries Fuzzy Events, Means and Variances Example: XYZ Company Takeover Price Probability of a Fuzzy Event Fuzzy Mean and Fuzzy Variance Conditio...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 22:21

454 582 0
cirstea, m. n. (2002). neural and fuzzy logic control of drives and power systemsl

cirstea, m. n. (2002). neural and fuzzy logic control of drives and power systemsl

... control and/ or protection circuitry with power handling capability of supplying 1 A and withstanding at least 100 V. With the current 22 Neural and Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives and Power Systems trend ... marketing, financing and managing of a product are 2 Modern control systems design using CAD techniques Neural and Fuzzy Logic Control of Drives and Power Systems Mo...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:29

408 629 0
A Study of Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems and System Capacity for MIMO-OFDM Systems

A Study of Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems and System Capacity for MIMO-OFDM Systems

... studies the channel estimation for OFDM systems and system capacity for MIMO-OFDM systems, this chapter briefly introduces the background of OFDM systems and MIMO systems. OFDM is an effective technology ... channels and multipath Ricean channels. The joint PDF of two arbitrary correlated Ricean random variables has been provided in an integral form. (Chapter 6) 9 Chapter 2:...

Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2012, 11:28

205 640 2
Succeed at IQ tests improve your numerical, verbal and spatial reasoning skills

Succeed at IQ tests improve your numerical, verbal and spatial reasoning skills

... & Psychometric Tests, IQ and Psychometric Test Workbook, IQ and Aptitude Tests and IQ and Personality Tests, all published by Kogan Page. For a full list of other books on psychometric testing and job hunting ... Carter is a UK IQ test expert who is continually devising new IQ tests and puzzles. Together with the late Ken Russell, they produced over 60 books including Test...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2013, 18:49

209 1,2K 6