the futureis coming sooner than you think

the futureis coming sooner than you think

the futureis coming sooner than you think

... arguments is there room for the consumer to determine what actually does or does not benefit him. Rather, the strategy is for the incumbents to make the decision for the individual. Had the development ... from the status quo. Luddites destroyed the first weaving machines because they threatened their existing jobs. The protesters gave little thought to the masses of...

Ngày tải lên: 28/05/2014, 15:13

21 228 0
Sensor Network Security: More Interesting Than You Think ∗ pot

Sensor Network Security: More Interesting Than You Think ∗ pot

... exclusively on the low- power aspect of sensor networks, often neglecting these other unique properties that further distinguish them from more traditional computing systems. Although there are some ... mes- sages into the sensor network, they may still be able to disable nodes by exhausting their batteries with bogus queries [Sta02]. Even though the sensor/actuator is able to discard t...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20

6 329 0
you say more than you think

you say more than you think

... for your birthday?” you may look to the upper right because you suddenly think about the fact that next year you turn forty. You don’t verbally mention your fear of turning forty, but your ... distance from you. That’s why training yourself to project more confidence than you feel is always in your best interest. If you want others to feel confident about you, you h...

Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:25

156 431 1
Tài liệu Finding Solutions by Being Aware of the Way You Think docx

Tài liệu Finding Solutions by Being Aware of the Way You Think docx

... whom you are in potential conflict. You may find that the other person shares neither the data nor the view of the data that you have , but that is the beginning of true communication. What you ... examine your commitment to nature ”out loud” in the presence of others and truly invite their feedback on your behavior. This is again a place where we may need the help of ea...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:18

7 397 0
 Tạo kháng thể kháng độc tố thần kinh trong nọc rắn hổ mang chúa (Ophiophagus hannah)

Tạo kháng thể kháng độc tố thần kinh trong nọc rắn hổ mang chúa (Ophiophagus hannah)

... khăn trong việc chế tạo và sử dụng kháng huyết thanh chống nọc độc của rắn. Khi gây miễn nhiễm động vật bằng nọc độc của rắn để tạo kháng huyết thanh, đáp ứng miễn dòch xảy ra không cao (kháng ... nguyên là độc tố thần kinh alpha tinh chế với cấu trúc nguyên dùng làm huyết thanh kháng nọc toàn phần. Xử lý huyết thanh có được để loại trừ toàn bộ chất gây sốt, gây phản ứng quá mẫn và khi ....

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2012, 15:46

52 1,6K 2
The 25 most difficult questions you'll be asked on a job interviewThe 25 most difficult questions you'll be asked on a job interview

The 25 most difficult questions you'll be asked on a job interviewThe 25 most difficult questions you'll be asked on a job interview

... continue to stress the fact that the job itself is the most important thing in your mind. The interviewer may be trying to determine just how much you want the job. Don't leave the impression ... are your long-range goals? Refer back to the planning phase of your job search. Don't answer, "I want the job you& apos;ve advertised." Relate your goals...

Ngày tải lên: 07/02/2013, 09:37

11 511 2
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