scientific american - 2003 02 - starquake on a magnetar

scientific american   -  2003 02  -  starquake on a magnetar

scientific american - 2003 02 - starquake on a magnetar

... streaks with tell- tale features in its wake. — Sarah Graham SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 23 COPYRIGHT 2003 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. 24 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN FEBRUARY 2003 CHRISTOPHER VON NAGY ... ponder. COPYRIGHT 2003 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. STARQUAKE ON A MAGNETAR releases a vast amount of magnetic energy — equivalent to the seismic energy of a magnitu...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:16

83 496 0
scientific american   -  2003 08  -  are you a hologram

scientific american - 2003 08 - are you a hologram

... says. One-micron- diameter latex beads carrying a negative electrical charge had demonstrated a strong attraction when they were placed in a solution of water between two closely spaced parallel ... much weaker statements about global warming. logical consultant in Kew, Australia, and for- mer head of the Australian National Climate Center. But he says that “from a purely sta- tistica...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:18

83 672 0
scientific american   -  1999 02  -  a fractual walk down wall street

scientific american - 1999 02 - a fractual walk down wall street

... into calculations, the para- dox disappeared. More “In Brief” on page 30 News and Analysis28 Scientific American February 1999 M ahatma Gandhi was mur- dered twice by Hindu na- tionalists, remarked ... in a home infested with fire ants and later developed a simi- lar eye malady. Ecologists also fear that the damage could cascade. In New Caledonia, Was- mannia has benefited the populat...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:53

85 533 0
scientific american   -  2000 02  -  galileo finds fire and brimstone on jupiter's moon io

scientific american - 2000 02 - galileo finds fire and brimstone on jupiter's moon io

... traces. To answer that, chemist John T. Arm- strong of the National Institute of Stan- dards and Technology used spectral-an- alyzer software and a database contain- ing high-precision x-ray ... collection and transportation infrastructure, component manufactur- ers, raw materials suppliers and recy- clers to play a role.” And that’s the aim of the Internation- al Association of Electroni...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 16:01

89 539 0
scientific american   -  1993 02  -  beating resistance in superconductors

scientific american - 1993 02 - beating resistance in superconductors

... which they can draw irrigation water. The diÝerential in water access on the West Bank is marked: on a per capita ba- sis, Jewish settlers consume about four times as much water as Arabs. Arabs are not ... amount of cropland available per capita by 2025 . Flooding and inade- quate national and community institu- tions for water control exacerbate the lack of land and the brutal poverty...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:48

91 547 0
scientific american   -  1994 02  -  do aerosols slow climatic warming

scientific american - 1994 02 - do aerosols slow climatic warming

... cau- tion guides national leaders. Tactical nuclear weaponsÑusually small-yield weapons meant for use against engaged forces on the battle- Þeld or against airÞelds, bases and for- ward transportÑseem ... U.S. used a total of about 1,000 planes dur- ing both the Vietnam and Korean wars. Humanitarian assistance and peace- keeping eÝorts in Bangladesh, Lebanon and Somalia have engaged mainl...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:50

89 481 0
scientific american   -  1994 06  -  was there a race to the moon

scientific american - 1994 06 - was there a race to the moon

... super- position of states that have large quan- tum numbers is necessary for a wave packet to demonstrate two hallmark classical features: spatial localization and motion along an orbital path. ... deÞnition cannot sponta- neously fracture and revive in this way, but a quantum particle canÑand does. A classical analogy can explain many features of the quantum revivals. In particular, th...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:56

87 538 0
scientific american   -  1994 08  -  red tides  -  a growing hazaed

scientific american - 1994 08 - red tides - a growing hazaed

... COLOMBIA CUBA ECUADOR EGYPT GREECE INDONESIA IRAN ISRAEL LIBYA MALAYSIA PAKISTAN PERU PHILIPPINES SAUDI ARABIA SINGAPORE SOUTH AFRICA SYRIA TAIWAN VENEZUELA ARGENTINA BRAZIL CHINA INDIA NORTH ... 1994 Scientific American, Inc. A t noon on June 7, 1992, tense with anticipation, I watched a Delta II rocket lift oÝ its pad at Cape Ca- naveral, Fla., carrying the National Aero...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 14:57

87 563 0
scientific american   -  1995 02  -  bubbles turn sound into light

scientific american - 1995 02 - bubbles turn sound into light

... The AKF has a data- base that combines on- site surveys and satellite data into a Koala Habitat Atlas. It has begun to provide both a census and an assessment of how much koala living space has ... standard for argon- argon radiometric dating. This variation on the potassium-argon technique pro- vides only a relative measure of age: a standard mineral of known age must be used wi...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:00

83 482 0
scientific american   -  1996 02  -  saving malnourished minds

scientific american - 1996 02 - saving malnourished minds

... South Dakota, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, Nebraska, Con- necticut and Georgia—now mandate fluoridation. Fluoridation has one well-documented drawback: it causes dental fluoro- sis, a condition that ... rabbits in an Austra- lian laboratory of the Commonwealth Sci- ence and Industry Research Organization. A Harebrained Scheme Experimental rabbit-killing virus runs amok in Australia MICHAEL...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 15:04

83 468 0
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