scientific american - 1995 03 - can science cure crime

scientific american   -  1995 03  -  can science cure crime

scientific american - 1995 03 - can science cure crime

... CRAWFORD Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. G etting rid of the long-lived, ra- dioactive by-products of nucle- ar power is a problem that has stalked the industry for its 40-year his- toryÑand ... (800) 77 7-0 444. ScientiÞc American- branded products available. For free catalogue, write Sci- entiÞc American Selections, P.O. Box 11314, Des Moines, IA 5034 0-1 314, or call (...

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scientific american   -  1995 07  -  can implants cure diabetes

scientific american - 1995 07 - can implants cure diabetes

... Gittleman 36 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN July 1995 © DAVID LIITTSCHWAGER AND SUSAN MIDDLETON Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. I n the 18th and 19th centuries, resi- dents of the American Southeast often ... be- fore it could be cost-eÝective for large- scale production, comments John Van- der Sande, a researcher at the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology and co-founder of Am...

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scientific american   -  1993 03  -  black holes and the centrifugal force paradox

scientific american - 1993 03 - black holes and the centrifugal force paradox

... also a con- sequence of the bending of light. . Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1993 75 Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc. 78 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March ... Kenneth F. Dunker and Basile G. Rabbat Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1993 67 Copyright 1993 Scientific American, Inc. MARCH 1993 $3.95 Li...

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scientific american   -  1993 08  -  can particles move faster than light

scientific american - 1993 08 - can particles move faster than light

... Þnish, the peak of tor- 54 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN August 1993 LOOKING-GLASS CROQUET has Alice hitting rolled-up hedge- hogs, each bearing an uncanny resemblance to a young Wer- ner Heisenberg, toward ... fraction of mixed-oxide fuel that can be substi- tuted for low-enriched uranium in most light-water reactors to about one third of the core. Consequently, a 1,000-mega- watt electric light...

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scientific american   -  1994 03  -  visiting yourself in the past

scientific american - 1994 03 - visiting yourself in the past

... predictions. Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc.Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc. 20 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1994 In the ÒnaiveÓ quark model, one of the three quarks spins in a direction oppo- site ... Mukerjee Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1994 21 membranes surrounding neurons. Pet- tegrew thinks schizophrenics have an impai...

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scientific american   -  1995 01  -  warning  -  digital documents in danger

scientific american - 1995 01 - warning - digital documents in danger

... SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN January 1995 Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc. mation can be saved on any medium that is able to represent the binary dig- its (ÒbitsÓ) 0 and 1. We will call an in- tended, ... courtesy of Cadence Books Copyright 1994 Scientific American, Inc. 32 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN January 1995 W atchdog groups and conspira- cy nuts alike wondered wheth- er the...

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scientific american   -  1995 02  -  bubbles turn sound into light

scientific american - 1995 02 - bubbles turn sound into light

... Mac- quarie, the koala has deÞnitely had its placid existence disrupted. ÑGary Stix SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN February 1995 15 Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. W hen Andrew J. Wiles of Prince- ton ... Health Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. 18 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN February 1995 I n their quest to determine accurate ages for everything from super- plume eruptions...

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scientific american   -  1995 04  -  machines that learn from hints

scientific american - 1995 04 - machines that learn from hints

... AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. 24 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN April 1995 T he more than one million alco- holics in this country who seek treatment every ... waters.ÑMadhusree Mukerjee 40 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN April 1995 The Fishy Business of Waste Development near Calcutta may thwart age-old recycling Copyright 1995 Scientific Americ...

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scientific american   -  1995 05  -  what found the top quark

scientific american - 1995 05 - what found the top quark

... Publications, 1994 Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc.Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. ing the strengths, or weights, of the links. Many researchers use these net- works to model brain ... of in- dustrial policy and other government interventions. The ministry ponied up 26 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN May 1995 THE ANALYTICAL ECONOMIST Miracles for Export Copyright 1995...

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scientific american   -  1995 06  -  the world's strongest magnets

scientific american - 1995 06 - the world's strongest magnets

... (right). MARK GEORGE NIMH Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. 26 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN June 1995 groups looked very diÝerent.Ó Both sex- es had equally activated the left pre- frontal cortex, but the ... Stix SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN June 1995 39 Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. I n computer design the obsolescence of technology is often planned. Res- urrection co...

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