windows powershell 3.0 first steps
... Win- dows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows Server 200 8 R2 SP1, or Windows Server 200 8 Service Pack 2. Windows PowerShell 3. 0 is already installed on Windows 8 and on Windows Server 201 2. You can obtain ... . . . . 201 Chapter 13 Debugging scripts 2 03 Understanding debugging in Windows PowerShell 2 03 Debugging the script 2 03 Setting breakpoints 204 Setting a...
Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 09:05
... that you have the Windows Management Framework (WMF) version 3 installed. WMF version 3 requires that you are running Windows 7, Windows Server 200 8, or Windows Server 200 8 R2. The nal chapter ... the PowerShell Web Access console 129 Additional input and output 1 30 Multiline statements 131 Enhancements to the PowerShell ISE 132 Intellisense 132 Snippets 135 Dening...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 07:20
... that you have the Windows Management Framework (WMF) version 3 installed. WMF version 3 requires that you are running Windows 7, Windows Server 200 8, or Windows Server 200 8 R2. The nal chapter ... the PowerShell Web Access console 129 Additional input and output 1 30 Multiline statements 131 Enhancements to the PowerShell ISE 132 Intellisense 132 Snippets 135 Dening...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20
windows powershell 3.0 step by step
... d 3/ 22/ 201 2 4: 03 AM PerfLogs d-r 3/ 22/ 201 2 4:24 AM Program Files d-r 3/ 23/ 201 2 6 :02 PM Users d 3/ 23/ 201 2 4:59 PM Windows -a 3/ 22/ 201 2 4 :33 AM 24 autoexec.bat -a 3/ 22/ 201 2 4 :33 AM 10 config.sys ... quick reference 1 30 Chapter 5 Using PowerShell Scripts 131 Why write Windows PowerShell scripts? 131 Scripting fundamentals 133 Running Windows...
Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2014, 09:06
Automating Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 with Windows PowerShell® 2.0 potx
... Functions 33 9 Appendix E Packaging PowerShell Extensions 35 7 Appendix F Building Your Own GUI with PowerShell 37 9 Index 39 9 ffirs.indd ixffirs.indd ix 4/18/ 201 1 3: 07 :35 PM4/18/ 201 1 3: 07 :35 PM ffirs.indd ... safely and securely. c01.indd 7c01.indd 7 4/21/ 201 1 12:59 :35 PM4/21/ 201 1 12:59 :35 PM ffirs.indd iiffirs.indd ii 4/18/ 201 1 3: 07 :34 PM4/18/ 201 1 3: 0...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 02:20
microsoft sharepoint 2010 and windows powershell 2.0
... 00 bfea71-ec85-49 03 - 972d-ebe4757 801 06 Parent : My Properties : {} Definition : SPFeatureDefinition Name=FeatureDefinition /00 bfea71-ec85-49 03 - 972d-ebe4757 801 06 Version : 3. 0. 0 .0 FeatureDefinitionScope ... SharePoint 201 0 and Windows PowerShell 2 .0: Expert Cookbook 50 advanced recipes for administrators and IT Pros to master Microsoft SharePoint 201 0 and Microso...
Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 15:33
learn windows powershell 3 in a month of lunches 2nd edition
... 299 -contains and -in 30 0 25 .3 String manipulation 30 1 25.4 Date manipulation 30 2 25.5 Dealing with WMI dates 30 4 25.6 Setting default parameter values 30 5 25.7 Playing with script blocks 30 6 25.8 More ... copy of Windows that has PowerShell v3 installed. The copy can be Win- dows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 200 8, Windows Server 200 8 R2, Windows 8, or Windo...
Ngày tải lên: 05/05/2014, 14:44
Beyond WSE 3.0 - Looking Ahead to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
... ■ BEYOND WSE 3. 0: LOOKING AHEAD TO WINDOWS COMMUNICATION FOUNDATION (WCF)2 20 701 xCH09.qxd 7/14 /06 5:41 PM Page 2 20 Table 9 -3. Feature Comparison of WSE 3. 0 and WCF Feature WSE 3. 0 WCF Hosting ... facilitate CHAPTER 9 ■ BEYOND WSE 3. 0: LOOKING AHEAD TO WINDOWS COMMUNICATION FOUNDATION (WCF) 206 701 xCH09.qxd 7/14 /06 5:41 PM Page 206 701 xCH09.qxd 7/14 /06 5:41 P...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 08:48