delphi - delphi borland in 14 days

delphi - delphi borland in 14 days

delphi - delphi borland in 14 days

... Rect(int _left, int _top, int _bottom, int _right); int GetWidth(); int GetHeight(); void SetRect(int _left, int _top, int _bottom, int _right); private: int left; int top; int bottom; int ... be used in your current program and reused in future programs. Listing 1.2. continued A NALYSIS Untitled-10 1/19/99, 12:48 PM14 15 Getting Your Feet Wet P2/V5/swg2 TY C++ Builder in 14...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:13

536 305 0
Teach Yourself TCP-IP in 14 Days

Teach Yourself TCP-IP in 14 Days

... Interval between Request or Cease command retransmissions. Default is 30 seconds. P4 Interval during which the state variables are maintained without receiving an incoming message when in ... Default is one hour. P5 Interval during which the state variables are maintained without receiving an incoming message when in the cease or acquisition state. Default is 2 minutes. R Receive...

Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2013, 02:15

487 320 0
Tài liệu Teach Yourself Tcp/Ip in 14 Days ppt

Tài liệu Teach Yourself Tcp/Ip in 14 Days ppt

... Interval between Request or Cease command retransmissions. Default is 30 seconds. P4 Interval during which the state variables are maintained without receiving an incoming message when in ... Default is one hour. P5 Interval during which the state variables are maintained without receiving an incoming message when in the cease or acquisition state. Default is 2 minutes. R Receive...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 13:15

487 271 0
Tài liệu Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days, docx

Tài liệu Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 14 Days, docx

... (Telnet) and a destination port of 350 (the sending machine's port). Figure 4.2. Setting up a virtual circuit with socket numbers. The sending and receiving machines maintain a port table, ... sending might be lost, causing an infinite delay. The persistence timer waits a preset time and then sends a one-byte segment at predetermined intervals to ensure that the receiving machine ......

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 08:20

487 332 0
delphi - teach yourself borland delphi 4 in 21 days

delphi - teach yourself borland delphi 4 in 21 days

... Teach Yourself Borland Delphi 4 in 21 Days - 4 - The Delphi IDE Explored ● The Delphi IDE ● Projects in Delphi ❍ Files Used in Delphi Projects ❍ Source Code Units ● The Delphi Main Menu and ... over the next several days. (Go to and type 0-6 7 2-3 128 6-7 .) In the Beginning Back in 1994 or so, Borland began working on a...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:14

691 409 0
delphi - delphi learning pack (9 books in 1 file - 3000 pages)

delphi - delphi learning pack (9 books in 1 file - 3000 pages)

... Converts a real-type value into an Integer-type value, truncating its value. Int Returns the Integer part of the floating-point value argument. IntToStr Converts a number into a string. IntToHex ... in 3 2- bit Delphi. (See the section on strings later in this chapter.) StrPLCopy Copies a portion of a Pascal-style string into a null-terminated string. FloatToDecimal Converts a fl...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:14

3K 6,4K 0
delphi 6 - borland delphi 6 developer's guide

delphi 6 - borland delphi 6 developer's guide

... Component Building 489 Pseudo-Visual Components 490 Extending Hints 490 Creating a THintWindow Descendant 490 An Elliptical Window 493 Enabling the THintWindow Descendant 494 Deploying TDDGHintWindow ... 405 Obtaining Type Information 407 Obtaining Type Information on Method Pointers 416 Obtaining Type Information for Ordinal Types 420 Summary 428 11 VCL Component Building 429 Component Build...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2014, 11:15

1,2K 368 0
Teach yourself SQL in 21 days

Teach yourself SQL in 21 days

... the equi-join is far more common than the non-equi-join. However, you may encounter an application in which a non-equi-join produces the perfect result. Outer Joins versus Inner Joins Just ... Joins Just as the non-equi-join balances the equi-join, an outer join complements the inner join. An inner join is where the rows of the tables are combined with each other, producing a number of...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:39

679 413 1
Sam visual csharp in 21 days

Sam visual csharp in 21 days

... starting point in an application: Main() . After you examined a listing, you dug into storing basic information in a C# application using variables. You learned how the computer stores information. ... System.Sbyte 1 -1 28 127 byte System.Byte 1 0 255 short System.Int16 2- 32,768 32,767 ushort System.UInt16 2 0 65,535 int System.Int32 4 -2 ,147 ,483,648 2 ,147 ,483,647 uint Syst...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:48

806 296 0