New grammar 2 - Answer book

New grammar 2 - Answer book

New grammar 2 - Answer book

... went there in 20 01 and in 20 03. He has been to Istanbul. He went there in 20 02 and in 20 04. He has been to Barcelona. He went there in 20 02 and in 20 04. He has been ... there in 20 03 and in 20 04. He has been to Berlin. He went there in 20 03. He has been to Tokyo. He went there in 20 04. b 1 In 20 02 he went to four cities. 2...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 10:24

58 1,5K 18
New grammar 1 - Answer book

New grammar 1 - Answer book

... learning 2 swimming 17 catching 3 taking 18 sitting 4 stopping 19 raining 5 flying 20 hitting 6 speaking 21 looking 7 using 22 going 8 making 23 holding 9 eating 24 chasing ... eating 24 chasing 10 helping 25 walking 11 putting 26 hiding 12 reading 27 kicking 13 getting 28 clapping 14 watching 29 carrying 15 coming 30 giving 2 At home with Nick...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 10:10

52 969 12
New grammar 2 - student book

New grammar 2 - student book

... Sp~in . ~ 1 they - stay - at a nice hotel 2 Mr Bell - take - any photos 3 ick and jenny - go - to the disco Je nny - win - swimming competition - Nick - climb - on some rocks ::; ',: ... teache rs - come? 4 Who - mak e the food? 5 Where - you - buy the drinks? 6 What music - you - pla y? 7 Wh at...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 10:13

113 897 18
New grammar 3 - Answer book

New grammar 3 - Answer book

... Esyptians ffi- j:fl1?É:, a 1 music 8 a lot ol newspaper news 2 much 9 - tabie furniture 3 was 10 meat suitcase work 4 - 11 lish b advice 5 - 12 food lurniture 6 - 13 bread ... leeyeu-de make you do Z yeu-r+++ge you go B you-sa3'me You tell me 9 ean bemow could borrow 1O You'd rather You'd better 11 den-t+ave-te must...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 10:40

52 1K 17
New grammar 1 - student book

New grammar 1 - student book

... (Amanda - mother) 2 Mr Allen? (Tom - father) 3 Mr Blake? (Ni ck - teac her) 4 Amanda? (Mrs Todd - da ughter) 5 Jenny? (Nick - sister ) 6 Tom? (Mr Allen - son ) 7 Trig? (children - ... :~ =- : :-= - book. Tell your pa rtner \\'h2>~ : :- = =- ~. =- ~ =- this: b Your partn er tells yo . : : . ~ C:::::1:"&...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 10:07

97 963 20
New grammar 3 - student book

New grammar 3 - student book

... Mayor open a youth club on Friday 2 Miss Pim lose her cat on Thursday iasU!\.c J \ - - r'&apos ;-& apos; ,-\ {¡ot-" ;- ' ,- & :-* .Y. : ,-/ -/ Words to learn balcony land ... ' tt )) TrM> It(,-ff Beth Paul - . !949 lqeK.tng. out ol the window. h r-:landa and Anna - tam the guitar. -& apos;'rc i...

Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 10:29

126 1K 43