Diary of Samuel Pepys, 1662 N S Complete potx

Diary of Samuel Pepys, 1662 N.S. Complete potx

Diary of Samuel Pepys, 1662 N.S. Complete potx

... thinking upon business. I did by night set many things in order, which pleased me well, and puts me upon a resolution of keeping within doors and minding my business and the business of the office, ... the morning, and at noon to my Lord Crew&apos ;s, where one Mr. Tempter (an ingenious man and a person of honour he seems to be) dined; and, discoursing of the nature of serpents, he...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20

120 354 0
Diary of Samuel Pepys, 1661 N.S. Complete potx

Diary of Samuel Pepys, 1661 N.S. Complete potx

... against to-morrow. [The observation of St. Valentine&apos ;s day is very ancient in this country. Shakespeare makes Ophelia sing "To-morrow is Saint Valentine&apos ;s day, All in the morning ... again, where Sir W. Pen and I sat all alone, answering of petitions and nothing else, and so to Sir W. Batten&apos ;s, where comes Mr. Jessop (one whom I could not formerly have looked upon...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20

98 397 0
Diary of Samuel Pepys, 1668 N.S. Complete potx

Diary of Samuel Pepys, 1668 N.S. Complete potx

... and at noon home to dinner. No strangers there; and all the afternoon and evening very late doing serious business of my Tangier accounts, and examining my East India accounts, with Mr. Poynter, ... year&apos ;s Accounts; of preparing answers to the Commissioners of Accounts; of drawing up several important letters to the Duke of York and the Commissioners of the Treasury; the ma...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20

149 252 0
The Diary of Samuel Pepys, 1660 N.S. Complete pdf

The Diary of Samuel Pepys, 1660 N.S. Complete pdf

... great number of depositions and information as to his dishonest proceedings in New England, Long Island, Barbadoes, France, Holland, and England, and these papers are preserved among the Rawlinson ... been of his introducing, and most of the officers serving therein since the Restoration, of his bringing- up. He was a most studious promoter and strenuous asserter of order and discip...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20

162 315 0
Diary, 1669 N.S. Complete potx

Diary, 1669 N.S. Complete potx

... Sandy Foundation Shaken; or those . . . doctrines of one God subsisting in three distinct and separate persons; the impossibility of God&apos ;s pardoning sinners without a plenary satisfaction, the ... and ends of Sir W. Coventry in it, and considerations in general of the consequences of great men&apos ;s actions, and the uncertainty of their estates, and other very serious co...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:21

63 372 0
The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Aug/Sep 1660 docx

The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Aug/Sep 1660 docx

... sort of drolling workmen on all occasions Show many the strangest emotions to shift off his drink Upon the leads gazing upon Diana End of this Project Gutenberg Etext of The Diary of Samuel Pepys, ... drinking a glass of wine and discoursing, and I find him to be a very sociable man, and an able man, and very cunning. 9th (Sunday). In the morning with Sir W. Pen to church, and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:20

24 284 0
Diary of Samuel Pepys, April 1668 potx

Diary of Samuel Pepys, April 1668 potx

... many rubs by reason of want of money, and people&apos ;s not believing us in cases where we had money unless (which in several cases, as in hiring of vessels, cannot be) they be paid beforehand, ... Crew&apos ;s bedside, and then to Westminster, where I hear Pen is, and sent for by messenger last night. Thence to Commissioners of Accounts and there examined, and so back to Westminst...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20

18 262 0
Tài liệu Diary, 1664 N.S. Complete docx

Tài liệu Diary, 1664 N.S. Complete docx

... way of raising money for this business, and then that of lotterys, [Among the State Papers is a "Statement of Articles in the Covenant proposed by the Commissioners for the Royal Fishing ... people of all sorts against his going to sea. At the office did much business, among other an end of that that has troubled me long, the business of the bewpers and flags. At noon to the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 06:20

136 314 0
Tài liệu Diary, 1665 N.S. Complete docx

Tài liệu Diary, 1665 N.S. Complete docx

... Evelyn&apos ;s to discourse of our confounded business of prisoners, and sick and wounded seamen, wherein he and we are so much put out of order. [Each of the Commissioners for the Sick and Wounded was ... learn by what we see in this business. But that which pleases me best is that Cocke tells me that he now understands that Fisher was set on in this business by the design of some...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 06:20

141 359 0
Tài liệu Diary, 1666 N.S. Complete doc

Tài liệu Diary, 1666 N.S. Complete doc

... never so much against reason, as in the business of recalling tickets, which will be done notwithstanding all the arguments against it. So back again to my office, and there to business and so to ... reasons, my estate lying in money, I am afeard of any sudden miscarriage. So to bed mightily contented in dispatching so much business, and find my house in the best condition that ever I kne...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 06:20

164 393 0
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