... (x 0 ) 2 − (x 1 ) 2 − (x 2 ) 2 − (x 3 ) 2 = t 2 − r 2 = t 2 −r 2 1 −r 2 2 −r 2 3 (3.1.46) or, for the in nitesimally small vector dx µ , (dx µ ) 2 = dx µ g µν dx ν = (dt) 2 − (dr) 2 . (3.1.47) In ... coordinates Q r , P r the Hamiltonian (3.1.6) takes the simpler form H = 1 2 K /2 r=−K /2+ 1 [ P r P † r + ω 2 r Q r Q † r ] (3.1. 12) ω 2 r ≡ ...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 14:31
USB Support in Windows CE 2-0
... end, Windows CE supports only the host side of USB, since that was the area that would benefit most from Microsoft® defining the interfaces and enabling the USB technology in Windows CE. In essence, ... device. 20 * Case 2 – Integration testing consists of choosing likely configuration and running the tests listed in the Single Device Testing and Stress Testing section above. IN...
Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2013, 00:20