Lecture 7: Exceptions and I/O pptx

Lecture 7: Exceptions and I/O pptx

Lecture 7: Exceptions and I/O pptx

... input and output with both bytes and characters 1 Lecture 7: Exceptions and I/O 20 Example of RandomAccessFile import java.io.*; class Filecopy { public static void main(String args[]) { RandomAccessFile ... fault.  Checked exceptions vs. unchecked exceptions  Unchecked exceptions: exceptions derived from the class Error or the class RuntimeException  Checked exc...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:20

24 316 0
Tài liệu Lecture 28: Trunks and Multiplexing: pptx

Tài liệu Lecture 28: Trunks and Multiplexing: pptx

... bands, again an example of FDM by the links. This problem of one media can be solved by using multiple copper cables or fiber optic strands. This is again impractical in terms of costs. Lecture2 8.doc ... Telecommunications, Winter 2000 Lecture- 28 Multiplexing This problem of one media can be solved by transmitting copper cables or fiber optic strands. All these media have their band...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 08:15

7 529 0
Tài liệu Introduction to Java:13 AWT Exceptions and Errors pptx

Tài liệu Introduction to Java:13 AWT Exceptions and Errors pptx

... 13 AWT Exceptions and Errors In this chapter: • AWTException • IllegalComponentStateException • AWTError This chapter describes AWTException, IllegalComponentStateException, and AWTError. ... detail message. 13.2 ILLEGALCOMPONENTSTATEEXCEPTION 467 10 July 2002 22:23 468 CHAPTER 13: AWT EXCEPTIONS AND ERRORS public IllegalComponentStateException (String message) ★ This constructor cr...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 06:20

4 390 0
Tài liệu Lab 2.3.7 OSI Model Characteristics and Devices pptx

Tài liệu Lab 2.3.7 OSI Model Characteristics and Devices pptx

... is very important to know both models and be able to relate or map the layers of one to the other. An understanding of the TCP/IP model and the protocols and utilities that operate at each layer ... TCP/IP has become the standard language of networking. However, the seven layers of the OSI model are the ones most commonly used to describe and compare networking software and hardwa...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

2 369 0
Tài liệu Chapter 7: Dimerization, oligomerization and polymerization of alkenes and alkynes pptx

Tài liệu Chapter 7: Dimerization, oligomerization and polymerization of alkenes and alkynes pptx

... oligomerization and polymerization of alkenes and alkynes 247 7.4 Alkyne reactions Oligomerization and polymerization of terminal alkynes may provide materials with interesting conductivity and (nonlinear) ... by water dissociation from and and the rate of this exchange is probably the lowest step of the overall reaction.The hydroxy ligand facilitates the dissociation of and this...

Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 07:19

19 676 0
Tài liệu Module 7: Planning Server Roles and Placement pptx

Tài liệu Module 7: Planning Server Roles and Placement pptx

... between the following regions: North America and Europe North America and Asia North America and South Pacific North America and South America Europe and Africa The server hardware that is available ... In this lab, you will plan server roles and placement. Note Module 7: Planning Server Roles and Placement 23 Exercise 1 Identifying Server Role and Placement...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

52 300 0
Windows 7: Up and Running: A Quick, Hands-On Introduction pptx

Windows 7: Up and Running: A Quick, Hands-On Introduction pptx

... the public beta and Windows 7 Release Candidate, and many give the software high marks. Windows 7: Up and Running helps you be productive immediately. You’ll learn what’s new and what’s changed, ... home users and will include features like Media Center, multitouch support, the Aero Glass UI, and so on. Professional This edition is designed for home workers and small businesse...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 16:20

203 1,5K 0
Chapter 7 Constructors and Other Tools pptx

Chapter 7 Constructors and Other Tools pptx

... called then ♦ Can call via object’s name; standard member function call ♦ Convenient method of setting member variables ♦ Method quite different from standard member function call Copyright © ... Addison- Wesley. All rights reserved. 7-16 Constructor with No Arguments ♦ Can be confusing ♦ Standard functions with no arguments: ♦ Called with syntax: callMyFunction(); ♦ Including empty parent...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 01:20

44 511 0
Báo cáo khoa học: A novel pathway for sequential transformation of 7-dehydrocholesterol and expression of the P450scc system in mammalian skin pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: A novel pathway for sequential transformation of 7-dehydrocholesterol and expression of the P450scc system in mammalian skin pptx

... Excellence in Connective Tissue (to A.S. and J.Z.) and Center of Excellence in Genomics and Bioinformatics (to A.S.), UTHSC, and NIH grants 1R01-AR047079-0 1A2 (to A.S.) and RR017854. W e thank Professor Cedric ... eratino- cytes and melanocytes, and dermal fibroblasts were obtained from Cascade Biologics, Inc. (Portland, OR, USA) and cultured as described previously [24]. Mito...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

11 476 0
Lecture 7 -  802.11 WLAN Architecture

Lecture 7 - 802.11 WLAN Architecture

... access point ● There are three distinct states. ✔ Unauthenticated and Unassociated ✔ Authenticated and Unassociated. ✔ Authenticated and Associated. February 2005 Copyright 2005 All Righs Reserved ... Association ● Unauthenticated and Unassociated ✔ The initial state. ✔ The client is not connected to the WLAN and is unable to pass data. ● Authenticated and Unassociated. ✔...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 11:16

38 545 4
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