Memory management in c

Memory management in c

Memory management in c

... arrays malloc and free Memory Allocation in UNIX The Doug Lea Allocator Binning allocate free Chunk Coalescing Region-based memory management Obstacks Garbage Collection in C A Critique of Custom Memory ... Allocator Binning allocate free Chunk Coalescing Region-based memory management Obstacks Garbage Collection in C A Critique of Custom Memory Allocation Bibliography...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:40

29 284 0
Understanding Memory Resource Management in VMware® ESX™ Server docx

Understanding Memory Resource Management in VMware® ESX™ Server docx

... for ballooning performance. In most cases, using ballooning achieves much better performance compared to using swapping. SinceSPECjbbvirtualmachine’sworkingsetsize(~2.8GB)ismuchsmallerthantheconguredvirtualmachine memory size(4GB), the ... hypervisor intercepts the virtual machine’s memory accesses and allocates host physical memory for the virtual machine on its rs...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 15:20

20 417 0
Pointer in C

Pointer in C

... allocating, deallocating, and using a block in C. The malloc line allocates a block of memory of the size specified in this case, sizeof(int) bytes (4 bytes). The sizeof command in C returns ... s->comment = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char[strlen(comm)+1])); strcpy(s->comment, comm); free(s); This code creates a lost block because the structure containing the pointer po...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 11:09

31 617 0
Morgan Haupmann TCP IP Socket in C++

Morgan Haupmann TCP IP Socket in C++

... processing } A TcpListener can precheck if there are any connections pending before calling AcceptTcpClient() or AcceptSocket() using the Pending() method. Pending() returns true if there are connections ... pending connections: 62 for (int i=0; i < acceptList.Count; i++) { 63 client = ((Socket)acceptList[i]).Accept(); // Get client connection 64 65 IPEndPoint localEP = (IPEndPoint)((Socke...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2012, 08:39

188 654 2
Expert Service Oriented Architecture in C Sharp

Expert Service Oriented Architecture in C Sharp

... This chapter includes the following: • Overview of the WS- specifications • Introduction to Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 • Installing and configuring WSE 3.0, including the test certificates • ... specifi- cations, including • Security (including WS-Security) • Policy (including WS-Policy and WS-Policy Attachments) • Messaging (including WS-Addressing) WSE is an extension to the existi...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 13:57

271 588 0
Expert Service Oriented Architecture in C Sharp  Using the Web Services Enhancements

Expert Service Oriented Architecture in C Sharp Using the Web Services Enhancements

... Service 1 Other Service Business Workflows Business Components Business Facade Service Interface #2 Web Service 2 Web Service Client Figure 4-1. Complex service-oriented architecture Notice that ... authorize incoming service requests. In this role they selectively filter incoming service requests and keep out unau- thorized requests. In contrast, other components in the architecture, s...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2012, 13:59

336 842 2
Questions to .NET and Programming in C#

Questions to .NET and Programming in C#

... a) Class myclass c) class MyClass b) class Myclass d) Class MyClass 38. Which of the following is a valid variable in C# ? [1.0] a) class c) _Class b) Class d) @class 39. Basic input ... implicitly. b) Static constructors can have accessibility modifiers. e) Static constructors are called when the class is loaded. c) Static constructors cannot be called explici...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 15:55

18 1,3K 8
Memory Management

Memory Management

... the object so that it can be accessible to other processes for shared memory – Can protect the object using security attributes  Use CreateFileMapping function CS222 - Systems Programming 14 ... 2/23/2008 GetProcessHeap  A function used for obtaining a handle to the heap of the calling process – Heap handle is necessary when you are allocating memory – Each process has its own default...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 14:38

30 650 0
Memory Management bài giảng quản lý bộ nhớ

Memory Management bài giảng quản lý bộ nhớ

... thư viện cung c p c c tiện ích c a OS. C c chương trình th c thi c thể dùng c c phiên bản kh c nhau c a external module mà không c n sửa đổi, biên dòch lại.  Chia sẻ mã (code sharing): một ... module. – L c th c thi, khi stub đư c th c thi lần đầu (do process gọi routine lần đầu), stub nạp routine vào bộ nhớ, tự thay thế bằng đòa chỉ c a routine và routine đư c th c t...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:43

55 1,4K 3