fluid transients by wiley streeter

UV-disinfection Reactor Validation by Computational Fluid Dynamics and Relation to Biodosimetry and Actinometry

UV-disinfection Reactor Validation by Computational Fluid Dynamics and Relation to Biodosimetry and Actinometry

... particle trajectory calculations can be performed by computational fluid dynamics. UV intensity at any point P (r, z) within the reactor is developed by modifying AKEHATA Equation 1) as: I(r,z)=Σψ 1 ・ψ 2 ・S L ・ΔL n /(π 2 ・ρ 3 )exp(-[ε L (r-r 0 )+ε Q ・δ Q ]ρ/r) ... β×the average intensity determined by PSS using Equation (4)~(7). Therefore, β can be given by: β...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:08

8 498 0
Wiley Inside Information Making Sense of Marketing Data.pdf

Wiley Inside Information Making Sense of Marketing Data.pdf

... individuals that are required by region, gender, age, socio-economic group, and so on. For business- to-business research, the quotas will typically be set by type of company, e.g. by standard industrial ... without the presence of an interviewer. The questionnaire to be completed by the respondent could be despatched and returned by post, personally delivered and collected, or some...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2012, 15:38

270 1,1K 2
VHDL Programming by Example 4th Edition

VHDL Programming by Example 4th Edition

... minimum range of real numbers is also specified by the Standard package in the Standard Library, and is from Ϫ1.0Eϩ38 to ϩ1.0Eϩ38. These numbers are represented by the following notation: ϩ or -number.number[E ... rom has an unknown value on the cs input. The value output by rom is unknown as well. The last constant de- fines the data stored by rom . (This is a very efficient meth...

Ngày tải lên: 16/08/2012, 08:46

497 1K 14
Tài liệu Microsoft ADO .NET step by step

Tài liệu Microsoft ADO .NET step by step

... DESC" You can also indicate which row state to expose through the view by setting the DataView instance’s RowStateFilter property. By default, the view exposes all available rows that meet the RowFilter ... name for the new table, which is the same as the original table by default. Dwonloaded from: iDATA.ws 76 Microsoft ADO.NET 4 Step by Step Establishing Relationships Betwee...

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2012, 08:39

441 889 14