... Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.1, No.2, 2003 - 141 - Application of Ozone/UV Process for the Reclamation of Sewage Treatment Plant Effluent ... removal efficiency of COD and TOC by the two types of the ozone/UV process as a function of ozone dose. Both COD and TOC values were rapidly eliminated with the increase of ozone dose when ... process is applied...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40
... family of subtypes of type Number; "? super Integer" is the family of supertypes of type Integer; and "?" is the set of all types. Correspondingly, the wildcard instantiation of ... ElementType> c) of class java.util.List. It allows the addition of elements to a List of element type ElementType, where the elements are taken from a collection of el...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 02:15
Tài liệu Associations and Guilds: Varieties of Social Makeup pptx
... expressions of honor for the emperors as gods existed in unofficial settings (small groups, families, individuals). • Official Settings [p. 123] o Organizations of gymnasia and professional ... positive view of empire, including the author of the Pastoral, the author of 1 Peter, Polycarp, and Melito. [p. 229] o The alternate view claimed to be found in the Acts of Paul is...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu Expert Reference Series of White Papers pptx
... related to the four steps of the decision making process and finally to the three types of error (risk) that occur in each of the four steps. The paper concludes with an example of how methodical decision ... analysis of choices. This is the stuff of habit, prejudice, and mental laziness. Analytical bias may be referred to as the unknown unknowns of the known unknowns . (Whew!)...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:15
Tài liệu Module 3: The Underlying Technologies of Web Service pptx
... specifications. Let us examine some of the key concepts of XSD. This topic is intended only to provide a brief introduction of some of the major concepts of XSD. The complete specifications ... format of the SOAP message sent to and returned by the server. As you saw earlier, the contents of the SOAP messages sent to and from a Web Service are in XML. However, the encodin...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:15
Tài liệu basic of procedure builder pptx
... first level of subobjects of the currently selected object. Expand All Expands all levels of subobjects of the currently selected object. Collapse All Collapses all levels of subobjects of the currently ... object hierarchy. Create Creates a new instance of the currently selected object. Delete Deletes the selected object with confirmation. Expand Expands the first level of su...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 17:15
... line of intersection of the two planes of symmetry. Thus, the symmetry of a molecule determines the direction of the dipole moment vector. However, symmetry says nothing about the magnitude of ... three sets of symmetry- equivalent hydrogen atoms: one set of 12 hydrogens (the hydrogens of the four methyl groups), one set of two hydrogens (the methine hydrogens), and one se...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 16:15
... are afraid of my beak; and I have always a witty answer at hand. Come, let us be men!’ ‘O warm spicy land of my birth,’ sang the Canary bird; ‘I will sing of thy dark-green bowers, of the calm ... mythus of its birth, told of the power of the sun-light that spread out its delicate leaves, and forced 65 of 260 them to impregnate the air with their incense— and then he tho...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 09:15